9. Surprise

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I threw the cigarette on the ground and stood on it before taking Van's hand and guiding him back into the house pushing Joe out of the way.

"Answer me you little bitch" Joe grit his teeth as he watched us walking back into the hallway.

"He shouldn't talk to you like that" Van whispered so only I could hear him.

I shrugged like it was a normal thing and shot Joe a death stare before leading Van upstairs.

While Van gazed around the house upstairs we went into my room and started talking about life.

"Why did you let him talk to you like that?" Van asked while getting comfortable on my desk chair.

"He always does. It doesn't bother me, it's not like I care about him." I rolled my eyes at the thought of Joe, I liked it more when he stayed in London and I had the house to myself. Thankfully he is starting uni in January which means he will be moving to London.

"He'll be moving to London soon anyway. I won't have to put up with him" I smiled at he thought of having the entire house to myself.

Van gave me a weird look to which I replied 'what' which made him laugh.

"How comes you wanted a cig?" Van asked in confusion and took out one and put it behind his ear.

"I need a change, I need to change. I've been trying so hard for years too keep up this act of being the 'perfect daughter' and for what? They don't pay any attention" I ranted on.

"Okay... Maybe you need another one" Van laughed because he knew I was becoming stressed at the thought of my parents.

He took another cigarette out for me and threw me his lighter. I opened my bedroom window and sat on the window ledge while regularly taking puffs. I looked over at Van to notice him admiring me, no one has ever looked at me like that before. I've never connected with anyone before. It felt weird but a good kinda weird.

Once I was down to just the bud in my hand I threw it out the window and walked over to Van. He was still sat on my desk chair on his phone, I sat down crossed legged in front of him and asked him if he wanted to do anything later. He suggested to go to the arcade or the local cafe where live bands play. The cafe sounded like a good idea so I stood up and walked over to my wardrobe.

I searched through it trying to find my black skater dress that I could pair with my dr martins and fishnet tights.
Once I finally found the dress I laid it on my bed and started to unbutton my shirt. I threw the shirt across the room which caught Van's attention, he looked up at me to see I was half naked.
I took my skirt off and threw that where my shirt was. I was now in my underwear in front of Van and his eyes lit up.

He stood up from the chair and walked closer to me, we were inches apart but as I thought something was going to happen between us he threw the dress in my face and told me to get ready.
He walked back to the chair laughing while he continued to watch me get dressed.

Once I put my shoes on I was ready to go but Van seemed to have gotten comfortable and didn't want to go.

"Common Van!!" I moaned trying to get him up from the chair.

"But I don't wanna" he moaned back like a baby.

"I was gonna tell you this later as a surprise but.."

"What is it Cait?" He said rather impatiently.

"You've gotta come with me to find out" I winked and left my room with a huge grin on my face.

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