18. Cocoon

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I awoke at the sound of strumming coming from the corner of my room, after tossing and turning about of a couple of seconds I peeped up to see Van jamming out on my guitar and quickly making up lyrics.

'I cocoon
Round your shoulders
When you're half cut
And you're frozen
And you've got that visible breathing
You're depending on me again'

I thought those words through and for a second I thought that was about me the other night when I was out of it and van helped me but it couldn't be about me ... Right?

'You know your pretty good for a busker'  I teased him, my voice making him jump slightly.

'Oi shut it you' he shot me a cheeky grin.

'Sorry for not asking to use your guitar but I become motivated at night and early in the morning' Van added on while standing up and placing my guitar in its rightful place.

'It's alright, I liked waking up to hearing you play. Very soothing' I laughed.

'Well I'm glad you liked it. I should be heading off though I've got a bit of coursework to finish for college tomorrow'  Van explained.

'Yeah I should probably get some stuff done as well. I'll walk you down' I put on my slippers and walked downstairs with Van until we reached the front door.

'Thanks for coming round last night, I really appreciate it' I spoke not wanting to open the door. Not wanting Van to leave.

'Hey anytime you need me I'll be here just call. I care about you Caitlin'  Van smiled before pulling me into a hug.

I held onto him and could smell a hint of cigarettes on his jacket he was wearing. His hand was stroking my head like yesterday but this felt different. I didn't want him to leave, I wanted to stay with him.

I tilted my head up and looked at him while he looked down at me and half smiled. His hand moves down to the side of my cheek and suddenly I could feel myself reaching for him. Before I knew it are lips had collided and it was amazing. Once the kiss broke Van quickly said 'bye' and turned on his feet walking towards the gate.

I shut the door after I watched Van walk down he road and I was in shock, I never thought that this would happen. Up until recently I've only seen Van as a friend, why has this all suddenly changed?

All I knew was this was gonna hit our friendship hard, and tomorrow when I'll see him at college will be one hell of an awkward encounter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2017 ⏰

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