6. Sort your face out

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Kaley and Lexi. Kaley was a top grade student who met all her targets even if she didn't revise or pay attention in class. she had long brown hair that she normally wore in loose curls. Whereas Lexi, wasn't good at meeting her targets and normally had to do extra credit to push her grade up. She had long dark red hair and was a big flirt- well they both were big flirts.

As I made my way out of English I could hear them calling my name, I rolled my eyes before turning around and facing them.
"Caitlin how you been hunny?" Kaley asked, she was the brains whereas Lexi was the face.
"Uh fine, I've gotta get to art" I faked smiled before walking away from them.
Even though I wasn't facing them I could feel their gaze on me.

Finally I had gotten home and to my surprise my mother was home sat in the living room on her laptop.
"What are you doing home so early?" I frowned my eyebrows while setting down my bag on the sofa.
"Oh I was feeling ill so they sent me home but I can't leave this so I brought everything with me" her face looked drained and pale.
"Okay, well I guess I'll get started on dinner" I stated while making my way to the kitchen.
"Don't bother with cooking anything, Joe is staying in London for a couple of nights and your father and I will probably order something later" I heard my mum shout.

Just as I opened the fridge to see what we had I got a call from Van I was shocked at first as to how he had got my number but then I remembered we exchanged numbers in lesson.

"Hello? Hello?" I repeated into the phone, I wasn't getting any answers I could only hear light breathes on the other end.
"Van I know it's you I have your number saved" I laughed.
"that failed didn't it" I heard him say
"Just a bit" I continued to laugh.
I stopped laughing when I heard another voice speak from Van's end.
"Van what do you want for dinner love? oh sorry I didn't realise you were on the phone" it sounded familiar to the one who called Van into the house, it must have been his mum.
"It's alright" I heard van reply before turning back to the phone.
"So Caitlin.." Van started but was cut off by the voice of his mother again.
"Are you talking to that Caitlin Mills girl?"
"Yeah mam, she's my friend" I heard van vaguely say, but he said it. He said I'm his friend.
"Oh, why don't you invite her over for tea?" I heard his mothers voice speak up.
"Would you like to come round for 'tea'" I heard Van mimic his mother.
"I'd love to" I laughed.


I left the house an hour later my mother didn't seem to care. I walked to the bus stop and waited for the bus that I knew was going to be packed and full of youths.
When it pulled up I was right, sat at the back of the bus were a load of boys in tracksuits blaring their 'music' out. I was able to find a seat near the middle of the bus, I tried to ignore the fact that the boys sat near me were insulting me.
"Aw what happened did the 10 cars break down"
"Couldn't you get your butler to take you"
"Has mummy and daddy threw you out"
"Try not to breathe in the poor people's air"
I stayed perfectly still and ignored the comments being made, but then some of the boys started to throw cigarette buds at me. That's when I had enough and got off the next stop.
Once I got off I had to walk down the long road, I should've stayed on and got off in three stops but I couldn't handle it. So it looks like I'm walking.

When I finally arrived at Vans house I saw him outside smoking.
"What took you so long? I'm starving, my mam wouldn't let us eat without you" he nudged me slightly.
I tried smiling but I broke down. I broke down in front of Van, my eyes became red and puffy from all the crying and Van didn't know what to do so he just held me in his arms.

"Hey it's gonna be okay. Don't let them get to you, that means they've won" he held my tighter.
When he pulled away he wiped my tear stained cheeks and smiled.
"Now go in the bathroom and sort your face out before you meet my mam" he smiled.
He directed me to where the bathroom was so I could 'sort my face out'.
When I came back down I was greeted by his mother.
"Hello dear I'm Mary, Van has told me a lot about you" she smiled.
I smiled back as she lead the way into the kitchen where we sat around the table with his parents.
"Dad, this is Caitlin" Van said as we sat down.
"Ah you alright Caitlin, I'm Bernard. It's nice to meet you"
"It's nice to meet you too" I smiled.

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