11. Canceled

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I woke up the next morning with a banging headache and a sore nose.
I made my way to the bathroom and bathed it making sure that it was still moving and cleaning every part, then I decided to turn it up so no one could see it.

I done the essentials in the bathroom and made my way back into my room and pulled out some tablets in my cabinet draw, which I quickly swallowed with a bottle of water.

I rushed to get ready for college and in the process nearly forgetting to feed Toby.

When I made it through the dreaded college gates I decided to make my way to music early.

To my surprise Lanso was stood outside the classroom talking to Lexi.
Her long natural red hair was tied up into a high ponytail and she was draped over him.

"Oh sorry we didn't see you there" Lanso said sarcastically, before placing a kiss onto Lexi's lips.

I rolled my eyes and stuck my earphones in until someone descent came along that I could speak too.

The soft music relaxed me while I was daydreaming about yesterday at the cafe, we had a great time.

"I don't want to go. Why did I choose gym" Lexi moaned loud enough for me to hear.

"I know why" Lanso smirked and pinched her butt.

"I'll see you later" Lexi claimed before walking out of the building.

Lanso looked over at me and raised his eyebrows while a huge smirk covered his face. I couldn't help but give him a disgusted look.

A shake brought me back from my horrid thoughts, I smiled once I realised it was Van.

"How are you?" I asked him while taking my earphones out and putting them back into my bag.

"I'm good. How's the nose" Van whispered.

"It's alright, a bit sore but I'll live" I laughed.

All of a sudden everyone's phone bleeped. Mr Humphrey had emailed us saying he was going to cancel today's lesson because of family emergencies, which was great for me seeing as this was the only lesson I had today.

"Well I'm going to go back home" I sighed knowing that Joe was going to be in all day.

"I might do the same, I have a lesson at 12 but it's only media. I can do that at home" Van stated.

"Do you want to hang out?" I tried my best not to sound desperate even though I was I really didn't want to go back home.

"Sure, want to come to mine?" van smiled.

I nodded gratefully and we made our way out of the art building and out the college gates.

Authors note:

Hey guys, sorry about the slow updates. I have the next couple of chapters finished so I might try and upload every week, if I fail to do so I'm sorry/I might give you a double post.

Thank you all for reading, it means so much to me!
Vote/Comment! I love hearing from you guys!!

-Shannon :)

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