8. Changes

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The bell rang signalling that we had to get to our next lesson. This will be the first time I will see Van since last night. But today we are showing are research to our class on the Jazz musician we chose.

"Hey stranger" Van nudged my arm.

"Hey yourself" I raised my eyebrows, wondering why he was in a good mood.

"Are you ready for this presentation?" I asked, knowing his history of talking in public.

"Eh, I'm partnered with you, what could go wrong?" He smiled

"Uh, a lot" I laughed.

We made our way to our seats which were opposite each other. Everyone gathered in the class and found there seat, A boy called Lanso walked passed Van and hit his head before making his way to his seat. I watched him as he made his way to the table before looking over at Van.

"Are you okay?" I asked Van.

"Yeah, it's fine" Van replied, like it was a normal thing.

Mr Humphrey stood up from his desk and announced that he made a order for the presentations; and guess who was first.

Van looked over at me and frowned a little. I forced a smile before standing up and making my way to the front of the class, Van followed closely behind.
I put my usb into the computer and got up the presentation.

We nervously started talking about the Jazz musician Dizzy Gillespie, a songwriter, trumpet player and singer.

As Van read a paragraph about him Lanso started talking to the girl next to him. Obviously distracting Van as he read, it started to annoy me and I couldn't help but shout.

"SHUT UP" I shouted and made direct eye contact with him. He smirked while he sunk into his chair.

"Sorry Van" I said and let him finish the sentence on the last paragraph.

When he finished, I took my usb out of the computer and made my way back to my table.

Others started to do their presentations but I couldn't concentrate, in the corner of my eye I could see Lanso looking at me. He annoyed me, he always has. Last year he we dated for a month but he only wanted one thing, that he didn't get, sex.

The final bell went meaning we could finally leave and go home, after what this long day.

I rushed out of the class and heard someone calling my name.

"Hey, you alright?" Van caught up to me.

"Yeah, I just need to get out of this hell hole" I exclaimed.

"Do you want to come to over mine?" Van asked politely.

"Yeah- actually, you should come to mine" I smirked as a plan came to mind.

So we made our way to my house.

We walked up to the iron gates and I entered the pin which let us in. Then I pulled my keys out of my bag and opened the black door. We entered the hallway and I watched Van's jaw drop.

"Woah, I always wondered what it looked like in here" Van gawked as he looked around.

I heard the sound of a gentle bell ring and knew that Toby was coming downstairs like he always does when I get home. His tortoiseshell fur could be seen from the door. The White, black and ginger moved quickly down the stairs and started purring around my legs.

"You have a cat" Van stated the obvious.

"Yeah, he's name is Toby. I've had him since I was 13" I grinned and picked him up.

"He is very cute" Van stated as he stroked Toby.

"Come into the kitchen, I have to feed him real quick" I said while walking through the arched wall.

I put Toby down and opened the cupboard where we keep Toby's food. I got a pack of food and put it into his bowl, which he gobbled up quickly.

"Your house is amazing" Van said still obviously letting it sink in.

"It's alright. Do you have any cigarettes?" I smirked.

"Yeah, why?" He asked with a confused look on his face.

"Let me have one" I held out my hand.

"But you don't smoke" he raised his eyebrows as he dug through his pockets getting the pack of cigarettes out.

"Times change, people change" I stated and took a a cigarette out of the pack.

"Do you want a lighter as well?" Van laughed and handed me his lighter.

I opened the back door which lead to the garden and lit the cigarette up. Inhaling the first puff I couldn't help but cough.

"Let me show you how to do that " Van laughed and took the cigarette from me.

"You have to inhale it in and hold it in, let it sink in your lungs. You'll get used to it" Van explained while puffing out some smoke before handing the cigarette back.

"I'll get the hang of it, don't worry" I laughed and inhaled the cigarette.

He looked at me with a weird look on his face. I gave him the same look back, before I knew it we were stood closer.
Van was leaning forward and so was I, this was happening.

I heard a door slam to which I pulled back immediately, I turned around to see Joe walk into the kitchen.

I closed my eyes and took my last drag of the cigarette. When I slowly opened them I saw Joe stood in the doorway.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He grunted.

"And who the fuck is this freak?" Joe added on.

Authors note;;


Sorry for the late update but I hope you like it. Van and Caitlin are slowly getting closer and Van seems to be opening up to Caitlin more than she expected him to.

The next chapters might be a bit slow but I hope you stay with me on this journey.

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Love ya 💖

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