7. Secrets and dreams

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The meal was lovely and I also got to know more about Van and his family. Bernard was talking about when they went travelling around Australia when Van was a kid which was interesting. It made me realise that I didn't know a lot about Van, so after we ate and finished talking to his parents he lead me upstairs into his room which was dark and covered in posters of 80's and 90's bands. His room had a scent of smoke to it and I could see an ashtray on his window ledge.
"Sorry about my parents, they like talking" he laughed as he closed the door behind him.
"It's alright, they did tell us some interesting stories" I smiled wishing I had a family like that.
I walked over and sat down in his bed and he sat on an office chair near his desk.
"So Van, you have an interesting name. who chose it?"
"Honestly..I did" he smirked.
"What? How is that possible" I laughed.
"Please don't tell anyone this because I don't really want people to know but I asked my parents to change my name to Van when I was 12 because my birth name ain't really me"
"Really? Oh wow. So what was your birth name?" I was intrigued to know more about this mysterious boy.
"don't laugh but it's ... Ryan" he held his head in he's hands.
My eyes opened wide, I don't know why but I could never imagine calling him Ryan.
"I won't tell anyone don't worry" I smiled.
He moved the chair closer to me so he was now sat in front of me, he took hold of my hand and said "thank you"
He let go of my hand after a couple a seconds and began asking if I was alright after the incident on the way over.

As time went by and the sun went down we spoke about our dreams for the future and what we want wanted to be doing. I found out that Van had started a band with benji, Bob and Vans other friend billy.
He told me that he named the band after he saw a guy in Australia who played songs on glass bottles and he named himself catfish and the bottlemen so he took the name on. He hopes that they will get somewhere but he doesn't want to get there the easy way he wants to work to be known and interact with people who'll listen to their music. But he did also say he does want to make some money so he could 'get me mam a jacuzzi' which I found hilarious.

Myself? I told him how much I wanted to be a producer, I'd love to work in the music industry, of course it helps that I know how to play several instruments.

The clock hit 10:30 just as Van was lighting up a cigarette and leaned out the window.
"I should probably get going" I said getting up from where I was sat to stand near Van.
"You can always stay you know, My parents wouldn't mind they used to run a B&B they're used to it" he laughed.
"I would love to stay but we have college tomorrow" I could feel myself going red.
"Okay, well do you want a lift home? I'm sure my mam would drop you off" he said as he exhaled the smoke.
"If that would be okay, I don't really want to get the bus this late knowing who'll be on it (youths)"
"MAAAAAAAAAAM" Van shouted, seconds later Mary opened the door.
"You called" she popped her head through the doorway.
"Could you drop Caitlin home please" Van asked for me.
"Sure thing let me just put some shoes on and get my keys" she smiled.
after I picked up my jacket, Van and I made our way downstairs.
"Are you ready dear?" Mary asked standing near the front door.
I nodded and gave Van a quick hug goodbye.

The ride home in Mary's car was quite awkward I didn't know what to say but luckily she did.
"So our Van seems to like you" she grinned.
"We're just friends don't worry" I laughed knowing that she was probably trying to find something out so she could embarrass Van when she got back home.
She pulled up outside the house and I could see that the living room lights were still on so my parents were still probably up.
"Thank you for dinner and driving me home" i said before getting out of the car.
"Well thank you for keeping our Van company and not being like the other kids" she placed her hand on top of mine.
"I hope to be seeing you again Caitlin" Mary smiled.
I smiled back before saying my final goodbye and making my way into the house.

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