there's only ever you on my mind

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Hi hi hi loves. As it is tradition, this fic is for Harry's birthday. A bit late because I had work but none the less this is filled with fluff and lots of love. 

iPhone opening ringtone. The loud sound woke Harry up with a startle as he reached for the device in a daze. He slid the button, pressing the speakerphone. That was a mistake. Louis' shrill voice cut through the thick air in their bedroom. 

"Happy birthday, my Harry!" 

"Happy birthday my arse. It's bloody three in the morning," 

"You know I mess up time zones right?" 

"I will not let you touch me when we get together again. Suffer at your own accord." 

"Come on, baby, you would've woken up in like thirty minutes anyway," 

"To the sound of birds, not this nonsense sound," 

"That's why I tell you, iPhones are trash. I hate this one you got me." 

"Really? You can't console me even?" 

"Alright, you big baby. I'm sorry I called you at three in the morning and woke you up. I love you and how you look with your tousled hair early in the morning. Send me a picture of it?" His voice was soft, full of adornment and the love he held in his heart for the boy who held it. 

"I'll turn the video on? I wanna see you," he said petulantly. What? He deserved his husband beside him on his birthday but the finicky thing called life just had to get in the way. He pressed the screen and Louis' smiling face made his heart flutter. "Oops," he said softly and the giggle he got in return was to die for. 

"Hi!" His musical voice filled Harry's senses as he flashed him those dimples he would press his fingers into if he were there. "What plans have you got, Tomlinson?" Louis asked with a smirk that Harry wanted to kiss right off. 

"Gonna go for a run, might be in the gym for a bit. Mum asked me to go over for lunch. Liam and Niall are taking me to the pub in the evening," he listed his plans for the day out and it all felt so goddamn natural. Like he was writing them in his journal like nobody would get to read it because it was his only. But then again, Louis was a part of him in many ways than one. 

"Give me a call after you get back from the pub. Also when you're at mum's." Harry only nodded, still a bit dulled that Louis wasn't there with him. 

He was curled on the sofa of his mum's living room with a cat warming his feet. Sky probably. His hands nursed a cup of tea he was sipping on. It wasn't quite like how Louis made tea but it would do. His eyes were fixed on a book on a shelf. The Wizard Of Oz. It used to be his favourite book as a baby. He would make his mum or Gemma read it out for him again and again, that is until he couldn't stand it anymore. He still can't. Anne sat down beside him, hand reaching to smooth his curls. 

"Happy birthday, my littlest baby," she smiled, still running her fingers through his hair. 

"You like Gemma more," he said a bit grumpily, lips forming a pout. 

"I heard that, you menace!" Gemma's voice rang from the kitchen. 

"I meant it, you absolutely annoying drug dealer!" 

"Harry Edward!" Anne reprimanded, glaring at him. He sunk back further into the plush pillows, eyes widening to feign innocence. 

"It's my birthday," he said sadly, bottom lips slipping out. Anne's eyes softened, nodding.

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