there is, in fact, a name for it and its called 'love'

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I haven't got writer's block, I'm just terrible at sticking to longer books but do read 'A World Without Augusts' on AO3 by meeeee (neversaygoodbye).

An au I thought up while studying history for my finals, enjoy. Also, I realised that this book has become a sort of writing journal where I try out different styles and AUs without commitment but I have this amazing community of readers who just go along with my bullshit. Love you all

It worried Harry when dates didn't call him back after five whole dates in a row and especially when that date happened to be a really cute guy. Yes, he had finally given in and gone to get coffee during his lunch hour with the elusive lawyer who was as smooth with his words as he was in bed. What? He was allowed to be a bit easy after making the man hang around to dry for months. But now he wasn't calling him or texting him and that made Harry think he had made a mistake by being too easy. Maybe all Louis fucking Tomlinson had wanted was to get into his pants.

So fuck him, he thought, pulling his knees closer to his chest as he spooned more ice cream to his lips. Sally, his beloved cat, squeezed her head into the little space between his stomach and thighs as she purred loudly.

"I will break his legs with a baton if I see him again I fucking swear to God that pathetic bastard," he sniffled, straightening his legs out to make space for the overweight cat who immediately plopped down there. Indeed, the epiphany Harry had been having for the past two hours was to shove Louis into a wall or get pushed up a wall by him. Either of that would do honestly.

The thing about Louis was that he was extremely well-liked by the cafe's staff where Harry worked part-time. He would honestly work full time in this bloody economy but his book was undergoing the starting of its first draft of many and he could not risk that over some petty amount of money. So screw him and his cramped apartment. Harry could hear the other baristas talking about how Louis hadn't come to the cafe in over a week and he could only scoff. Yeah, he had not come to the cafe because he was freezing Harry out and Harry worked at the damn cafe.

"It's a shame honestly, I don't see him go into the firm in the morning anymore either. Do you think he left his job?" someone asked out of thin air and that right there was Harry's last straw.

"What I fucking think is that Louis Tomlinson is a complete asshole. I'm pretty sure he slinks his way into the firm early in the morning because he is too damn afraid of facing me square and fair. Cowardly bastard," he blurted out quickly, feeling his face redden afterwards.

"Oh, right weren't you going out with him? Is he really like that? He is always so nice to everyone here," Flora asked, leaning on the cabinet beside him.

"He was perfectly nice then but he stopped calling three days ago when I said we should meet up again," he sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"Really? That's so bloody weird, I thought everything was going good from the disgusting way he would smile at you when you made him his morning coffee."

"I thought so too but apparently that ain't the case this time, he just wanted to get me into his bed."

"You didn't! How was he?" she wiggled her eyebrows

"Shut up."

Eleanor, Louis' best friend at work, walked into the cafe with a bittersweet smile that made Harry want to run for the hills. Of course, it was a sympathetic smile, of course. He turned away from the counter to make sure she never saw his eyes glimmer with hope for the brief minute that they did because even then, after crying over Louis and banishing him to hell for hours, he still hoped that he would at least call back.

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