Chapter II

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Y/N woke up and didn't recognize the place where she was, it took a few minutes to remember her new reality. 

Okay, I'm in Encino, California, living with my dad. She made an involuntary grim. I can work with that.

She got up and headed for the bathroom following her morning routine. As she pulled her hair back into a high ponytail with a red scrunchie, she prepared herself for the fight ahead.

She walked towards the kitchen and found her father having a coffee while reading the newspaper. 

- Good Morning. - She said heading towards the toaster. 

- Good Morning. - Kreese took a sip of his coffee before saying. - I forgot to ask if you already bought your school supplies, because if you haven't, tell me how much you'll need, since your classes start on Monday. 

- Hmmm, I think 50 bucks is enough for me to buy everything. I'm going to the mall tomorrow morning. 

Kreese just nodded. They sat in silence for a few long minutes. 

- I'm heading to the dojo in 10 minutes, if you want a ride meet me in the garage. 

Before Y/N could respond, he disappeared through the door.
The drive towards the gym was filled with an uncomfortable silence, Y/N cursed herself for not getting her Walkman. 

When they arrived, she noticed the group of boys covered in leather jackets that had the dojo logo on the back. They talked and laughed among themselves causing a little of curiosity to awaken in the girl, but before she could hear anything everyone was silent when they saw their sensei's presence. 

- Good morning sensei. - Everyone said at the same time. 

Kreese just nodded and walked into the dojo, leaving Y/N alone with the boys. They stared at her for a few seconds, especially the blond boy from yesterday, she stared back at him. 

- So... are you really the Kreese's daughter? - A dark-haired boy she recognized from yesterday with the last name of Brown asked. 

- Sadly yes. - Y/N replied with a shrug. She saw the handsome blonde's jaw harden.

 She can't help but find this attractive. 

- Man... that's... wow...- Said the same boy with a gentle smile - I'm Bobby, nice to meet you. - Y/N couldn't contain the slightest smile that formed on his face with the boy's sympathy. - These are Tommy. - She pointed to a dark-haired boy with short hair who smiled at her. She smiled back. - Dutch, - Showed the boy with platinum hair and eyebrows. He winked at her, making her roll her eyes. - Jimmy - Showed the boy who was further behind them, who smiled shyly. - and Johnny. - The blond boy was still staring at her, his eyes burning towards the girl who just held her gaze. 

"If looks could kill, I'm sure I'd be seven feet under ground by now." She mentally laughed. 

- The pleasure is all my boys. - Y/N says in a flerting way, having fun with the boys' expressions. - My name is Y/N. 

- So Y/N, are you going to watch our practice every day? - Tommy asked. 

Y/N laughed softly. 

Kreese's daughter (Johnny Lawrence x reader)Where stories live. Discover now