Chapter VII

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The rest of the week went fast and when Y/N realized it was already Friday she got nervous. Of course she already had been on a few dates, but her  mother was always there to help her. She did her hair and make up and asked her questions about the boy until Y/N wasn't so nervous anymore.

She really missed her.

They weren't rich, but they had a confortable life. Her mother worked as a writer in a woman's magazine and last year she was offered an opportunity to work in Tokyo and Y/N couldn't be more proud, even though she couldn't go with her and had to stay with her father.

She hadn't seen him in 9 years. After her parents divorce when she was 8, Y/N stayed with her mother. The firts years without her father really hit her, because they were really close, he taught her how to ride a bike, he helped her with her homework everyday, and he started to taught her karate right after her first steps. She loved him more then anything in the world.

 After the divorce her mother decided that it would be best if they moved to another city, so they went to Kansas and left California behind. Left her father behind.

Y/N didn't complain when they divorced. She didn't want to make her mother feel worst, because she could see that it was being hard for her. She didn't complain when they left either. And although she missed her father and cried herself to sleep when he didn't call, she never complained.

When Y/N got older she promised herself that she wouldn't cry about him anymore, insted of that she told herself that it didn't matter anymore, because she didn't need him.

Her mom was always telling her how John was when they met with a sad look in her eyes, getting lost in nostalgia. How he was strong and handsome and sweet, she always said that he wasn't the same after the war. Betsy always encouraged her to go visit him, but she never did. Why would she visit someone who didn't even called her?

When her mother told her that she would have to stay with her father, Y/N didn't complain. She didn't want to, of course, but she knew how much that job ment to her mother, so she went back to California.

And now she was in her new bedroom, in her new life, getting ready for a date.

She didn't know what she expected from this whole change in her life, especially from her father, she just knows it wasn't suppose to feel like nothing had changed at all.


Y/N was ready. She was wearing a  black tight dress and a oversized jeans jacket over it, she gave her hair volume and put on some blue eyeshadow, and hoop earrings.

She was feeling feeling really pretty. She heard the door bell and ran to the door hoping her father wouldn't answer it. She didn't want to hear his distraction monologue again.

Unfortunally, she found the two staring at each other. Kreese gave her a questioning look, and she could see that he was not happy. Billy at the other hand, was very pale and looking like he was gonna puke.

- Hi Billy. - She said going towards him and grabbing his hand, without looking at her father. - Bye dad.

- Bye Mr Kreese. - Billy said waving at him while Y/N continued to drag him to his car.

Once they were both at the car, he looked at her and went quiet for a moment.

- What? Is there something on my face? - She questioned trying to look at rear view.

He grabbed her head making she face him and gave her a soft smile.

- You look perfect.

She felt her cheeks burn and smiled back at him.

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