Chapter XVIII

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Y/N was sitting on the bench next to her friends and the other cheerleaders, a grin lighting up her face.

- Wow, looks like someone is happy today. - Ali said giving Y/N a little bump on the shoulder.

- Yeah, Y/N. Is there something that you forgot to mention to us? - Susan asked with a teasing face.

- I don't know what you're talking about. - Y/N answered shrugging. - I'm just excited to watch the game.

Susan rolled her eyes.

- Oh, come on! - She threw up her hands in a sign of exasperation. - You're seriously expecting us to believe that Johnny, who hasn't stopped looking at you since you both left the hallway, has nothing to do with your lovesick smile?

Y/N couldn't help the heat that rose up to her face.

- Okay, okay! He may have something to do with it, but I'll tell you guys after the game! - She said, embarrassed. - Now shut up the game is about to begin!

- Yeah and Y/N has to cheer for her new boyfriend! - Ali said with a teasing smile.

- Exactly! - Y/N said and hearing the girls laugh she realized what she had said and turned to face Ali. - Oh my God, I hate you guys!

And the judge started the game.


In general, Y/N didn't care for soccer very much, but she was a very competitive person, especially when something was at stake. So when the judge whistled indicating the half-past time break with the visitors winning on a 2-1, she got eager.

- Come on, girls! - Tina shouted to them. - Get in your positions, it's showtime!

Y/N and the girls got in position and as the music started they began their choreography.

- BE AGGRESSIVE! B-E AGGRESSIVE! I SAID BE AGGRESSIVE! B-E AGGRESSIVE! B-E-A-G-G-R-S-S-I-V-E! LET'S SHOW THEM WHO'S THE LEADER! WEST VALLEY HIGH IS THE WINNER! - They chanted after their performance and the students in the bleachers screamed in support.

- OH MY GOSH, WE DID IT! - Barb said at them excitedly as they left the field and the band walked in. - I swear on that last toe touch, I felt like I was gonna break my ankle!

- Geez, I didn't realize how much I missed this! - Y/N said waving her pom-poms.

- It was so fun! - Ali agreed.

Y/N noticed Johnny sitting on the bench next to the rest of the team drinking water with a frustrated face.

She walked towards them.

- Hey, Y/N. - A few boys greeted her. - You're looking good.

- Thanks. - She said and turned to Johnny. - Hey there, blondie.

Johnny stared at the girl in front of him, the cheer uniform did fit her very well.

- Hey. - He said letting out a sigh.

- So, you're not even gonna state how I looked awesome out there? - She said with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.

Johnny rolled his eyes at her, but a smile reached his face.

- Come on, no comeback? - Y/N said when he didn't answer her. - Tsk, I thought that you were better than that, Lawrence.

- Sorry, I just don't wanna lose to those assholes. - He said letting out a sigh.

Y/N approached him and gave him a kiss on his cheek, almost on his mouth.

- Then, don't. - She said and gave him a determined look. - Show them no mercy.

Kreese's daughter (Johnny Lawrence x reader)Where stories live. Discover now