Chapter V

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Autumn 1966

- I don't think I can handle this. - Betsy said with tears in her eyes.

It's just basic training. - Kreese said looking deep in her eyes.

-You know what I mean.. - She says feeling that her heart would stop beating and would drown in sadness. - but no matter what I'll wait for you. - She looked into his eyes, meaning every word she said. - Promise you'll come back to me... to me and - She put his hands in her belly. - our child.

- I promise, dollface. - He said. - I'll be coming back to you. - And he would, he would come back to them.

Autumn 1968

It was supposed to be cold, but not in Vietnam, it was hot. And humid. Kreese was assigned to the war in the summer of 1967, right after the birth of his daughter. He didn't even have the chance to hold her, but Betsy never blamed him, she was always understanding and sweet. She would always write to him, telling how much she missed him and how she wished he could see their daughter. She'd told him everything that the baby did and made sure to always say that their daughter was just like him, fearless and brave.

He was assigned to the CCN, direct action missions into North Vietnam, he trained every single day with the captain. He was taught to not be distracted, to not have mercy, to kill or be killed.
However, when the moment came he froze. He hesitated to save his friend, and ruined the whole operation. And in that moment when he was a prisoner, watching his friends being forced to fight one another for their lives. He swore to himself to never make that same mistake again.
Autumn 1984

Y/N was mad, she couldn't stop thinking about what happened to Miller and how much she wanted to punch that stupid blond in the face. Her and her friends were in the locker room, they were trying to make her feel better.

- Come, Y/N, Miller is gonna be fine. - Susan said to her one more time. - He knows it's not your fault.

- Besides, we just got in the cheer squad, we should be celebrating. - Barb said while tying the shoelace. 

- What do you say about going to Golf N' Stuff? I'm sure that will make Y/N feel better. - Ali said with a smile while they're heading to Barb's car.

Y/N was really grateful for having such amazing friends like them.

- Thanks, girls, but I have training.

- Come on, Y/N, it's just one day. - Ali tried again.

- Sorry, but my father will kill me if I don't get there on time.

The girls said goodbye to her and Y/N started walking to the dojo, hoping she'd get on time, once she turned the corner she found the boys waiting for her.

- Come on, Y/N, we're gonna be late and I'm not in the mood to do push-ups in my knuckles. - Tommy said.

She looked at them thinking how could they think she had already forgotten what they did to Billy.

- I'd rather walk to Canada than hang out with you today. - She said looking at Johnny with hate.

- Look, Y/N, we're sorry alright? We didn't mean to, now just hop on the bike. - Tommy said to her.

- You're not sorry and you did meant.

The boys went silent.

- Let's go, guys, let the princess walk. - Johnny said, giving her a smirk.

- Johnny, you know we can't let her behind. - Bobby said. - Come on, Y/N, just choose who you're gonna go with.

Y/N didn't like the idea, she wasn't very fond of them either, sure they boys could be fun sometimes, but boy they were annoying. However, she would be late if she didn't go with them, not to mention she was kind of tired after the tryouts.

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