Chapter III

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Y/N woke up early the next day to go to the mall and buy her school supplies. She put on some casual clothes and head out on your bike, not even bothering about leaving a message to her father, after all they had a deal.

She was at the store and choose a cute red binder with pink hearts all over it and a few cute pompom pens, after all she was badass and like karate, but she still enjoyed girly stuff.

- Wow, that's so pretty. - She heard a voice say. - I'm gonna get one of those too. - She looked at the blond girl that was talking to her and pointing at the pens.

- Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. - Y/N said and smiled at her. - I'm Y/N Kreese, it's a pleasure to meet you.

- I'm Ali Mills, nice to meet you too. So your going to West Valley High?

- Yes, you go there?

- Yes! It's going to be nice to have you there.

- Ali what's taking you so long, come on. - A girl said and then looked at Y/N. - Oh, sorry didn't see you there. I'm Susan.

- Hi, I'm Y/N. - She said with a smile.

- Y/N is new in town and she's going to study in West Valley. - Ali said to Susan. - I was just thinking about asking her to join us to the beach.

- Yes, Y/N, come with us it will be nice. - Susan said.

- Oh no, I don't want to bother.

- Bullshit, you're not gonna bother anyone, we just have to hurry up before Barbara decides to leave us behind. - Susan said and Ali agreed.

- Alright, let me just pay this then.
The girls were tanning in the sand and telling Y/N all about the school and the cute boys that went there.

- Well, Y/N, do you have a boyfriend back in your town? - Barbara asked her with a sneaky smile on her face.

- No, I don't. 

- Did any boy get your interest? - Susan said.

Y/N laughed and shake her head.

- I didn't have time to meet anyone besides my father stupid students.

- Oh, you father is a teacher? - Ali asked.

- Kind of, yes. He teaches karate, he has a dojo named Cobra Kai.

The girls opened their eyes in disbelief.

- You're kidding right? You father owns Cobra Kai? - Ali asked and Y/N nodded a yes. - OMG, I can't believe this.

- Wow, why are you guys so shocked?

- It's just that Ali's ex is the leader of the Cobra gang. - Barbara responded.

- Geez, you're telling me you dated that blondie, Lawrence? You definitely don't have good taste. - Y/N said making a disgusted face.

The girls all laughed.

- Well, he's a duch, but he's definitely hot. - Susan said and Barbara hit her arm.

- Don't say that, he's Ali's ex.

- I don't think she bothers. - Y/N said seeing how Ali was watching a brunette boy play soccer and wasn't even paying attention to the conversation.- Come on, enough talk about boys let's go to the sea.
Later that day, there were all around the bonfires and Ali and the brunette boy couldn't stop looking at each other.

- Go talk to him. - You said to her.

- I don't know if I should. - She said with a concerned face.

- Come on, he has eye banged you all day, just go already.

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