Chapter VIII

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Y/N woke up feeling great, a silly smile reaching her face once she thought about her date last night. She really had an amazing time with Billy, although he wasn't very brave, she couldn't complain about him. He was sweet, good looking and treated her like a princess.

She heard knocks on her door and them her fathers voice:

- Y/N, we're having practice in twenty minutes, get ready in ten.

Who the fuck practice in a fucking saturday. She complained inside her head.

- Alright, I'll be ready in a minute.

She got up from her bed and thought that was going to be a long day.


Kreese and Y/N we're heading to the dojo, as usual, the car was filled with silence. Inside Kreese's head he was trying to find a way to ask his daughter about the boy of last night, but he couldn't find the words.

He was new at this and Y/N wasn't a very easy person. He smiled at the thought that she had a short temper, and that made him more unsure about how to build a relationship with her.

He knew it was his fault. He was the father and he screwed up, but now all he could think about was how to make up from the lost time.

- So, who was the boy last night? - He asked trying to sound careless, althought he did care. He didn't like the fact that was a boy he didn't know around his daughter.

- It's none of your business! - She said giving him an irritated stare.

- Look, if your dating someone while living in my house, I think that I have the right to know. - Kreese said.

- The right? - She gave an ironic laugh. - What? Two weeks with me and you think you're dad of the year huh?

- I'm not saying that. - Kreese said quickly and then stayed in silence for a few moments. - I just want to know the kind of person he is.

She stayed quiet waiting for him to pull over and said:

- Don't worry, he is a better person than you.


Y/N went straight to the locker room without greeting anyone and that didn't passed unnoticed with the boys. They had their confirmation that she wasn't in a good mood when she got out of the locker room and went to practice some punches and kicks in the punching bag.

- Geez, what's her issue? - Dutch asked making the boys look at her.

- I don't know man. - Tommy shrugged. - Maybe PMS or something.

They stared at each other and silent agreed that it wasn't a good idea to piss her off that day.

- Hmm, maybe we should try talking to her after practice. - Jimmy said.

- I agree. - Bobby said giving her an worried look.

Johnny stared at her, he couldn't deny that she looked hot while kicking that punching bag, with a glimpsing of fury reaching her eyes.

He thought to himself that she would be totally his type if she wasn't so annoying.

And if she didn't like pussy bitches like Miller. He rolled his eyes with the thought.

- Everybody in position we're gonna start the practice! - Kreese said to the five boys and the girl.

As the All Valley came close, Kreese decided to increase the training of those that he considered to have a shot at winning.

Kreese's daughter (Johnny Lawrence x reader)Where stories live. Discover now