Chapter XI

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Y/N was mad, but more than that, she was disappointed.

She knew how the boys were, hell, how she was, following the Strike First, Strike Hard, and No Mercy motto. If anyone crossed her, she would show them no mercy too.

But that was the problem, Daniel hadn't crossed anyone. Besides the day on the beach, the boy stayed as far away as he could of the Cobras, which means that what they did was unfear, and Y/N would not stand by that. The boys were her friends but so was Daniel, and she wasn't going to support their coward actions.

Push him off a cliff?

That was low, even for them.

So she marched towards Johnny Lawrence with her eyes filled with rage.

He was standing behind the school with a cigarette in his hands.

He smile once he saw her.

- Hey, Prin-

- Don't call me that, Lawrence! - She said angrily and pushed him. - What the fuck were you thinking, hum?

His eyes were wined in surprise.

- What are you talking about?!

- Don't come with this shit, Lawrence! - She said with a grim. - You know what you did! Pushing Daniel off a cliff, really? That's low, even for you!

His shock was far passed about now, he was furious.

Why does she even care?

- That's not of your business, Y/N, alright? Just stay out of this!

She left out a loud sight.

He is unbelievable.

- Not off my business? Are you really serious right now?

- Oh, I'm sorry I didn't realize I have hurt your little boyfriend, I thought that you were with Miller, I guess I should have known that you were a cunt!

After the class ended, Y/N had left without saying a word to the boys and went directed to find Johnny, they tried to follow her but were impeded by the girls who had just seen Daniel's face. After a lot of time trying to make them understand that they had to stop Y/N and Johnny, because they knew things were about to get ugly, they manage to find the two of them arguing behind the school cafeteria just by the time Johnny said that.

- Fuck, we got here too late. - Dutch said and they stood there in silence waiting for the storm to arrive.

Y/N couldn't believe what she had heard. How dare he call her a cunt?

Her fist found his face with all the force she had, making him crumble backward.

- Don't you EVER call me that again! As a matter of fact, don't talk to me, because from now on you're dead to me, Johnny. - She said with her eyes filled with tears of rage.

Johnny stayed quiet holding his nose that was bleeding, he knew he didn't have the right to say anything.

He had really screwed up this time.

- And if you come for my friends again, I'll break more than just your nose.


Y/N left without saying a word and her friend just followed her in silence to the bathroom.

After checking if there was anyone in there and consisting that they were alone, Y/N stopped holding back her tears.

She was so angry, disappointed, and sad that she couldn't put it down into words, so she just let herself to feel, whatever she had to feel and get it out of her system.

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