New Virus

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It was a typical morning in Adventure Bay the sun was shining and Chase woke up at 7 am as usual to start the day. Chase decided to use his megaphone to wake the other pups this morning as he was lazy. "Ruff megaphone, Good morning PAW patrol time to get up" Chase said as he walked into the lookout. Zuma and Rocky groaned "Why the megaphone today?" Zuma asked, "Oh Zuma, Chase is just grumpy" Skye said as she walked passed him. "Why what did you do?" Rocky said. "Nothing its just he uses the megaphone when he is grumpy" Skye said as she nudged Rubble and said "Breakfast" Rubble shot up and ran inside the lookout. Ryder finished pouring his pups food and said "Morning pups" "Morning Ryder" they all said as they dug into their food. Katie was making breakfast for herself and Ryder as his pup pad went off.

"Morning Ryder here" Ryder answered. "Hi honey! how are you doing?" Lily his mother said. "Hey mom, I am good" Ryder said as she transferred the call to the big screen so the pups could see her too. "Morning pups! you are all so cute" Lily said to them. "Morning Mrs. Chapman!" they all said. "Oh for goodness sake please call me Lily, Ryder you look skinny are you eating enough?" Lily asked in a concerned tone. "Yes mom" Ryder said as he rolled his eyes. "He is Mrs. Chapman, I have his breakfast right here" Katie said. "Again please Katie call me Lily, you are too good to him." Lily said. "Mom, what is going on?" Ryder said trying to get the subject off of him, "Oh sorry sweetie, um we were hoping to do a trip down to see you anyway you can host us for a few days" Lily said. "Sure you know I love having you here, is it all of you?" Ryder asked. "Your father has to work, but me and Xayah will come" Lily said. "Sounds good mom, can't wait." Ryder said. He hung up the call and the pups got really excited, "I love when your mom comes to visit" Marshall said. "Me too she always brings us good pup treats" Rubble said. The pups went to play in the backyard while Ryder did the dishes and cleaned the pup bowls. 

Ryder was doing some upgrades to Marshall's ambulance when his pup pad rang. "Hello Ryder here" he answered. "Ryder, I am in a bit of a predicament" Mayor Goodway said, "What's going on Mayor?" Ryder asked. "Well I was um cleaning the bell trying to make it shiny and well the ladder I was using sort of fell. Now I am stuck" Mayor Goodway said with a bit of a panic in her voice. "Don't worry mayor no job is to big no pup is to small. PAW patrol to the lookout" Ryder said. The pups stopped their game of tag and said "Ryder needs us" as their pup tags rang, they ran for the lookout elevator and Marshall tripped over a tennis ball and rolled into the pups. "That's 40-love for Marshall" Marshall said getting laughter from the pups and the rose to the mission room. "PAW patrol ready for action Ryder sir" Chase said as they all lined up outside the elevator. "Thanks for hurrying pups, Mayor Goodway was cleaning the town hall bell and lost the ladder now she is stuck." Ryder said. "Oh no" Skye whined a little. "So for this mission I need Marshall, I need you to use your ladder and get her down safely" Ryder said. "I am fired up" Marshall said. "I will also need Chase, with your net just in case" Ryder said. "Chase is on the case!" Chase said, "Alright PAW patrol is on a roll" Ryder said as they all slide down ready for action. Katie stopped Ryder just before they left, "Can you give me a lift, sorry I know you are on a mission" Katie said. Ryder couldn't say no to his girl so he handed her the extra helmet and they rode down to town hall. 

"Marshall get your ladder up there" Ryder said. "Ruff ladder" Marshall said as his ladder rose up to the top of town hall. "Oh thank you Marshall, chickaletta was getting so worried" Mayor Good way said. "Bok" chickaletta said as she bounced a little and fell towards the ground, "Chickaletta!" Mayor Goodway screamed. "Chase your net quick" Ryder said. "Ruff net" Chase said landing it under chickaletta perfectly and she bounced a little and carried on with her usual manner. "Oh thank you so much Ryder that could have been a disaster!" Mayor Goodway said. "No problem Mayor whenever you are in trouble just yelp for help" Ryder said as they drove off back to the lookout. As soon as they arrived at the lookout Ryder noticed that the pups were watching apollo the super pup. He sat down on the bean bag chair and watched with them, just then a news broadcast interrupted the show. "We are interrupting this program to announce that their is a new viral infection across the world. It is super contagious and can affect humans and dogs, It is called Rowentativa, or RTA for short. It has killed many humans and dogs so far. This is not to be taken lightly and we ask that everyone take precautions if someone you know has it. They will start with a mild cough, then they will develop a fever and have sever muscle spasms and pain. Please take precautions and stay safe out there folks" the newscaster said. Apollo the super pup came back and and Rocky said, "Jeez this virus sounds bad, hope none of get it" "yeah we would all get it if one of us does, we live all together" Rubble said. "If we are careful pups, we should be fine" Ryder assured them a little worried himself. 

The pups were called out on a few more missions that day as they needed to help Farmer Yumi find her missing sheep. Zuma also needed to help Capt'n Turbot back to the flounder when he accidentally fell overboard. It was a beautiful night and Ryder said "Hey pups want to have a campout tonight?" "Yeah we can roast marshmallows" Rubble said excited. "Sounds Pawsome" Zuma said. The pups all gathered their sleeping bags and Ryder grabbed his and Katie's as he saw her walking up to the lookout. "Hey beautiful how was work?" Ryder asked her. "Good I had a lot of calls today, people are worried their dogs have this virus did you hear about it?" Katie said. "Yeah it was on the news today, I hope no one gets it sounds scary" Ryder said. "Yeah, aw we having a campout?" Katie said. "Yup we sure are" Skye said, "Sounds fun" Katie said as she sat beside Ryder. They all told stories around the fire and ate marshmallows and it was getting late so Ryder said. "Alright pups time for bed" "Night Ryder, Night Katie" the pups said as everyone crawled into their sleeping bags. 

Everyone was asleep except for Marshall he was thinking about this virus and how he himself wouldn't be enough to help everyone. "If I were to get it, who would help me? Would one of us die? Oh my gosh what if Everest was to get sick?" Marshall thought he started to panic a little. Ryder noticed Marshall was tossing and turning and he patted his dalmatian pup on the head "You alright buddy?" he asked. "Yeah I am just worried about this virus. I mean what if I get sick, I am the EMT pup I can't exactly treat myself. I am so worried what if someone gets it and dies!" Marshall said. "First of Marshall, no one has it, second if someone gets it we will figure it out together as the PAW patrol that is what we do. Third if it does happen to take one of our lives then we as a family will be there for each other and remember everything good that whomever it is has brought us. We will miss them but we as a family would always remember them and never forget them" Ryder said. "Thanks Ryder, you always know what to say" Marshall said feeling a little better as she closed his eyes. Ryder now started to think if he would be able to cope without his pups he really started to hope that none of them were to get sick. He would rather himself get sick and die then anyone of his pups, he knew Chase would lead the PAW patrol just fine. 

The next morning the bright sun woke everyone up and they all stretched and yawned. "Morning everyone" Katie said. "Morning" they all said, "Pups you guys clean this up and Katie and I will get breakfast ready" Ryder said, "yes sir Ryder sir!" the pups said as they played a game to see who could clean up the most things. Marshall lost because he tripped and was rolled up into a sleeping bag, the pups laughed at him as they untangled him from it and they all went for breakfast. It was  fairly calm morning as they didn't receive any calls, Ryder decided to recruit Rocky to help him build Katie and ATV so she could get to work. All the other pups were getting ready for the visit from Ryder's mom and sister as they would be arriving sometime that afternoon. 

Hope you liked this chapter, Ryder's mother and sister come for a visit in the next chapter and the virus come into play. Hope you all vote! BTW I made this virus up it is not real and so are the symptoms just wanted to clarify it is made up.

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