Meeting Ahri

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Ryder told his pups about the conversation he had with his dad and they were all very excited and curious who this someone could be. They all tried to guess as to who it could be but no one had any idea. A few hours after playing in the backyard a car drove up the lookout driveway and everyone's eyes grew with excitement. As the door of the car opened a small pup jumped out she was a mini version of a husky. "Hi, I am looking for Ryder?" she asked. Ryder said "I am Ryder, are you from my dad?" "Yes, good man your father, my name is Ahri I am a pomsky and I am a highly trained medical surgeon pup. James tells me that you run a rescue team and that my services could be useful." Ahri said. "Wow, yes we could definitely use a medical pup, these are my other pups, Chase, Marshall, Skye, Rocky, Zuma and Rubble" Ryder said pointing at each one. Ahri said hi to everyone and looked at Rocky a little to long and she blushed, Ryder also introduced her to his mother, sister and Katie. Ahri fit right in and was immediately welcomed as a part of the PAW patrol. Ryder was glad he made those upgrades to Marshall's ambulance as she was going to be using it for now. Ryder wanted to build her a advanced ambulance that she could perform medical procedures in if necessary. 

The next morning everyone gathered at town hall for Mr. Porters funeral, Ahri felt a bit awkward as she didn't know the man. Ryder only brought her so she could see if there was anyone else sick in town that they needed to look out for. The funeral was very sad and a few people said a few words about Mr. Porter. Alex cried the whole time and he was cuddled into Ryder's mom's arms. After the funeral they all went back to the lookout and didn't really feel like playing as everyone was sad. "Ryder can I speak to you?" Ahri asked, "Yes what is up Ahri?" Ryder asked her. "Well you told me to observe anyone who I think is sick, I suspect that the lady who was talking the most. The one with the chicken might have early signs of the virus" Ahri said. "Mayor Goodway really? how can you tell?" Ryder asked. "Well she coughed a few times and I noticed she was sweating a bit indicating she might be developing a fever. I think she might be trying to hide her symptoms" Ahri said. "Lets hope she doesn't have it, we don't need anyone else dying in this town" Ryder said sadly. Ryder was walking away from Ahri and she stopped him and said "Ryder how do you feel?" "Me I am fine why do you ask?" Ryder asked curiously. "Well you were recently around both of them. I just want to run a check on you to be safe please. The other pups who were near her as well" Ahri said. Ryder didn't want to argue with her as she was trained to figure this kind of stuff out. Ryder called Chase, Marshall and Rocky into the lookout and Ahri began her exam. "What is going on Ryder sir?" Chase asked curiously, "Ahri thinks that Mayor Goodway is also sick and would like to check to make sure none of us were exposed to the virus as well" Ryder explained. 

Ahri first checked Ryder and she noticed he had slight fever, "Ryder I am afraid you might have some symptoms, I am going to have you stay here for the time being." Ahri said. "I feel fine though" Ryder said. "I am sorry Ryder but I can't risk it, just be patient will I check the others. I might test the whole lot of you just to be safe" Ahri said. She was wearing a suit that prevented her from breathing the air everyone else was. Ahri checked Marshall next and his symptoms were normal he had no indication of the virus and was free to go, Rocky was also clean and was allowed to leave. Ahri didn't want anyone to close to Ryder right now just in case he actually was sick with the virus. "Chase can you stick out your tongue and say ah for me please" Ahri said. As Chase did this he coughed a little and Ahri looked at him and said "Hmm, okay let me check your temperature" Ahri put the thermometer in his mouth and he to had a slight fever. "Alright so Ryder you and Chase are showing symptoms I am going to have you remain in this room and I am not allowing anyone else in" Ahri said as she closed the doors and locked them in. "This sucks, I hope we don't actually have it" Chase said. "If we do it could be bad, Mr. Porter died really quickly" Ryder said.

Ahri checked the others and no one else for the time being was showing any symptoms. The pups were worried about Ryder and Chase as they watched them pace back in forth in the TV room. "Katie was your name right miss?" Ahri said to Katie, "Yes is everything okay?" Katie asked. "Well seeing as how this Rowentativa is something I never dealt with before I don't know how bad it will get. I would like for you to take to see this Mayor Goodway I believe she has symptoms as well" Ahri said. "Really oh my goodness okay I can take you to her" Katie said as they got into Ahri's temporary ambulance and drove to town hall. "Katie what brings you by" Mayor Goodway asked as she coughed into her arm. "Mayor this is Ahri she is a medical pup and she just want to check you over make sure you are not sick" Katie said. "Oh pish posh I am fine, not sick at all" Mayor Goodway said as she coughed again. "I think otherwise ma'am now please sit down so I can take a look" Ahri said. Mayor Goodway didn't argue she knew something was wrong and she couldn't hide it anymore. Ahri checked her and asked "Mayor are you experiencing any muscle aches or anything like that?" "Only slightly, I figured it was just my age" Mayor Goodway said. "I am afraid you might have the virus, I am going to need you to come with me so I can have you closely monitored" Ahri said. "Where are we going to go?" Mayor Goodway said. "I guess back to the lookout" Ahri said, "I don't want to get anyone else sick" Mayor Goodway said, "I have a special room for those that are infected, and anyone who wished to enter the room will have a special suit on like me and Katie here" Ahri said. "What about Chickaletta?" Mayor asked as she got into the ambulance, "she can come to, I don't think it affects chickens" Ahri said. 

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