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Everyone cried that morning knowing that their beloved Mayor was gone and that their friends were also sick. They were all worried and hoped no one else would get the RTA virus, no one wanted to do anything that day. Ryder was pacing the medical room he was bored and frustrated he felt no symptoms of this virus. Ahri came in to check on him and said "Ryder I am going to let you out as you aren't showing any symptoms and I think your sickness was your appendix so you can join your family." "Thank you Ahri, what about Chase and Marshall?" Ryder asked concerned for his pups. "Chase isn't showing symptoms either so I think he can be let out as well, Marshall is exhibiting symptoms so for now he is going to remain isolated. I am hoping it won't affect him like it did for Mayor Goodway. I am sorry for your loss of her." Ahri said. "Thank you and thank you for coming into our life, you have been very helpful. Please take care of Marshall" Ryder said. "I will he is my only priority right now" Ahri said as she went to check on him. Ryder went to tell Chase he was allowed to come out. "Ryder sir you are okay?" Chase asked. "Yup and so are you buddy we can go join everyone else. Ahri said we aren't showing symptoms we just have to be careful" Ryder said. "Yes sir. I am so excited to see Skye I miss her so much" Chase said. 

Chase and Ryder came out of the lookout and surprised everyone Katie and Skye ran to them and gave them the biggest hugs. "I am so glad you are okay" Katie said as she hugged Ryder. "I missed you too, what are we doing for Mayor Goodway?" Ryder asked. "Well we are thinking a virtual goodbye as know one really wants to get sick, Everyone is taking careful precautions right now." Katie said. "Rocky and I can probably set up something virtual, what about chickaletta?" Ryder said. "Farmer Yumi agreed to take her, and if we set it up how is everyone going to be able to be present?" Katie asked. "I can send a link through an app they can use either a computer or a phone. Then people can visit her at the cemetery on their own time." Ryder said. "Ryder who is going to be mayor now?" Rubble asked, "I don't know Rubble we will have to have an election and see who wants run" Ryder said. "I hope someone else runs other that Mayor Humdinger" Zuma said. "Me too, jeez we wouldn't be allowed to run if Mayor Humdinger was our mayor he would make is kittens do the rescues" Chase said. 

The next few days were busy and Ryder and Rocky were preparing the arrangements for the virtual funeral. Everyone was to afraid to call for missions as they didn't want to risk getting anyone sick if they did have symptoms. Ryder assured anyone that if they did show signs to let him know so he can send Ahri who would come in the proper equipment to help them. Mayor Humdinger heard about Mayor Goodway and he was super sad but also he was excited it meant he finally had a chance. " I can finally become Mayor of Adventure Bay my kitties!" Mayor Humdinger said. "Meow" they all said back, Ryder went to check on Marshall as he put the hazmat suit on he walked into the medical room. "Hi Ryder, he is not getting better but he is also not getting worse, his muscles are very weak right now. He is at the point where he doesn't move much. His breathing is still good and his heart rate is normal, I am hoping he is on the road to recovery as by this time Mayor Goodway was already having trouble breathing." Ahri said. "Okay, we are all praying for you Marshall" Ryder said as he gave him a scratch behind the ears. Marshall wagged his tail slightly and licked Ryder's hand. "This is a good sign Ryder" Ahri said. Ryder left and told everyone how he was doing. Ryder's pup pad rang and he answered "Hello Ryder here" "Ryder I know you aren't doing missions right now, but I am isolating in my light house and I am worried about Wally, I haven't seen him come for treats lately. I was wondering if you can take a look around make sure he is alright" Capt'n Turbot said. "Sure thing Capt'n, PAW patrol to the lookout!" Ryder said a little excited as it has been a while.

"Ryder needs us" the pups said also a little excited, they came to the elevator and Rocky said "It feels odd not being crashed into by Marshall" All the pups sighed as they agreed the elevator rose to the top and Chase said "PAW patrol ready for action Ryder sir." "Thanks for coming pups, Capt'n Turbot said he hasn't seen Wally in a while and wants to make sure he is safe so for this mission I need Skye see if you can find him from the air" "This puppy's gotta fly" Skye said doing her backflip. "And Zuma I want you to help me search around the bay" Ryder said. "Let's dive in" Zuma said, "PAW patrol is on a roll" Ryder said as they slide down to their vehicles. Skye took off in her helicopter and Ryder and Zuma drove down to the pier and Ryder said "Life jacket deploy" and his ATV transformed into a hovercraft, they searched all around the bay and Skye said "I see him Ryder he is trapped behind a bunch of boulders under a fish net" "Awesome scouting Skye we are coming to your location, Rocky I need you and your tug boat to meet us at the cove" Ryder said, "Green means go" Rocky said as he slide down to his vehicle and drove to where Ryder told him. "Thanks for hurrying Rocky you think you can clear away that net with your tools, and Zuma can help pull him over the rocks?" "Yes ruff knife" Rocky said as a small knife came out of his pup pack and he cut away the net. "Zuma throw him your buoy and Rocky cane help you pull" Ryder said. "Ruff buoy" Zuma said and Wally grabbed on and Zuma and Rocky pulled and he was able to slide over the rocks and back into the bay. Wally thanked them the only way he could and swam for Capt'n Turbots. Ryder called him to tell him he was on his way, Capt'n Turbot thanked them. Ryder and his pups returned to the lookout and Ryder sent out the link for the funeral which would be later that day.

Everyone accept the the link and it was a fairly good turnout, "It seems weird doing this on the computer but we all miss Mayor Goodway she was a great asset to this town and it won't be the same without her. If anyone wants to say a few words about her the stage is yours" Ryder said. Many people talked about her and her kind manner towards everything. They enjoyed her humor and her compassion for everything. After everyone had a chance to say something Ryder said "She will be buried next to Mr. Porter and if anyone wants to pay their respects you will be able to do so tomorrow. There will be an election for Mayor if anyone wants to sign up please do so at Katie's pet parlor tomorrow and we can start the campaigning" Ryder said. Everyone thanked him and the meeting was closed. "That was weird but it was nice everyone had so many nice things to say about her" Skye said. "Yeah she was a nice lady she is going to be missed" Zuma agreed with Skye. Ryder and Katie fed the pups dinner and made dinner for themselves and Alex who was still staying with them. "Ryder can I get you to come to the medical room" Ahri said calling him on his pup pad. "Yes I will be right there" Ryder said a little worried as she dressed in the hazmat suit and walked in. Marshall was sitting up and he looked better, "he is progressing very well, his fever has completely gone and he is starting to gain control of his muscles" Ahri said. "That's great news, how you feeling Marshall?" Ryder asked. "I feel better, I am happy I can move again, it sucks not having feeling in your muscles. They felt so heavy and I felt so weak" Marshall said. "I feel like if he progresses well in the evening he can rejoin the PAW patrol" Ahri said. Both Marshall and Ryder whooped and Ryder went to tell the others. Everyone was so excited he was getting better, "so it doesn't kill everyone, Marshall was able to recover from it just fine" Everest said so happy. "I think because he was treated from the first symptom, I think Mayor Goodway and Mr. Porter had the symptoms for a while before we tried to help" Ryder said. Alex started to cry again as he felt he should have called earlier when he first noticed his grandpa sick. Katie tried to comfort him and assure him there was nothing he could have done differently.

The next morning Katie went to work and she was expecting a lot of people to want to run for Mayor but the only person who signed up was Mayor Humdinger. She was so concerned about this so she called Ryder. "Hello Katie how is the turn out coming" Ryder asked as he answered her call. "Not good at all the only person who signed up was Mayor Humdinger, and he might win by default." Katie said a bit panicked. "I won't le that happen, I will figure something out" Ryder said letting Katie get back to work. Ryder received a call from his mom "Hey honey, how are things?" Lily asked. "Not good mom, Mayor Humdinger is the only person who wants to run for mayor, I won't be allowed to run the PAW patrol if he comes here. I will have to stop doing rescues the pups will be so sad. I am also having a hard time dealing with all the stress of taking care of my pups and Alex." Ryder said. "I was actually talking to your father about this as we had a feeling it was going to come up. He spoke with his boss and we decided we are going to move to Adventure Bay. I would love to run for mayor against this Humdinger as I can't have him shutting your beloved team down. Your father and I will also take care of Alex so you can focus on your pups" Lily said. "Really you guys are moving here?" Ryder said excited his parents decided this. "Yes Adventure City is just getting to chaotic with this virus and we will feel safer in a small town" Lily said. "That's awesome news the pups will be so excited! And you would make a great mayor mom" Ryder said excited. "Thanks sweetie, we plan on being there in 3 days time. How is Marshall by the way?" Lily asked. "He is better he is moving around again and has feeling in his muscles." Ryder said. "Good to hear, okay see you in 3 days time" Lily said as they hung up.

Ryder told everyone the good news and everyone was super excited and couldn't wait. Marshall was finally allowed to come out of the medical room and was so happy to be reunited with his friends. Mayor Humdinger didn't know as he hardly talked to anyone but he was feeling the symptoms of the virus as he drove around Adventure Bay, he was talking to people as well. This wasn't good for the citizens as everything was about to get a whole lot worse.

Will Lily become mayor? How many people will get sick from Mayor Humdinger? Will anyone else on the PAW patrol get it? Stay tuned!

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