New Mayor

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It was quiet in Adventure Bay as everyone was preparing for the new mayoral election everyone was still social distancing. Ryder parents moved to Adventure Bay and were getting settled in their new home and his dad James decided to run Mr. Porters cafe as it was important for Alex. They wanted him to know his grandpa will always be a part of his life and they wanted to keep everything the same. Mayor Humdinger was back at his lair and he knew he was sick now as he could barely get out of bed. "Kitties someone call for help, I am dying!" he said to his kitties, they meowed at him. Kitty Rocky got a hold of the mayor's phone and pressed Ryder's icon. Ryder answered "Hello Mayor Humdinger is everything okay?" "Meow" Kitty Rocky said, "Umm, Mayor Humdinger?" Ryder said. "Help" Mayor Humdinger said a little weakly. Ryder didn't hear anything but decided it was best to check it out. "PAW patrol to the lookout" Ryder said. The pups who were playing in the back yard all said "Ryder needs us" as they ran towards the lookout. Marshall tripped on the way in as usual and landed on top of all the pups as he knocked them over. "PAW patrol ready for action Ryder sir" Chase said. "Thanks for coming pups, I am not exactly sure what is going on, I received a call from Mayor Humdinger but his cat called me. I am not sure if he is in trouble or not. So for this mission I need Ahri just in case he is sick" Ryder said. "I am ready to give the all clear" Ahri said "I am also going to need Marshall just in case Ahri needs another set of paws" Ryder said. "I am ready for a ruff ruff rescue" "Alright we go full protection as I don't know the situation, PAW patrol is on a roll" Ryder said and they slid down to their vehicles. Ahri finally had her ambulance and it also served as a safe place to perform surgery. Marshall rode with her as they headed to foggy bottom, once they arrived Ryder made everyone change into protective gear and he opened the lair door. "Hello Mayor Humdinger it's Ryder are you alright?" Ryder said. "No, I am in here" Mayor humdinger said weakly. Ryder didn't hear him but Ahri and Marshall did as they ran towards the bedroom. Ryder followed and Ahri immediately began working on him. Mayor Humdinger was confused, "Who are you?" he asked weakly. "I am Ahri medical pup for the PAW patrol. I am the newest member if you could please stop talking at let me do my job it would be easier" Ahri said. Mayor Humdinger didn't say anything not because she told him not to but because he felt weak.

"Ryder he has RTA and it his progressed to the same place as Mayor Goodway. I can give him fluids oxygen and pain meds but other than that there is nothing I can really do" Ahri said. "Do what you can Ahri, lets hope he makes it" Ryder said. "I am not going to die" Mayor Humdinger said. "Please Mister I need you to stay still, and leave the mask on" Ahri said as she pushed him down being stronger than she looked. Mayor Humdinger didn't argue he really didn't want to die he wanted to fight this. "Marshall are you okay?" Ryder asked his pup. "Yeah I just find this suit hard to move around in. It is really warm" Marshall said. "I am good here Marshall if you want to head outside and wait" Ahri said. Marshall didn't even hesitate as he ran out of the loft and took the suit off, Ryder stayed with Ahri as he wanted to know if the Mayor would live. "Ryder I would like to take him back with us to the lookout so I can keep and eye on him" Ahri said. Ryder looked at the mayor and said "I know you probably don't want to come and I can't force you. My pup is coming with me either way so you can decide to come with us so she can help you or stay here and fend for yourself" Ryder said. The Mayor said, "I will go, I just need someone to feed my kitties" he said. "Marshall can you please come back in and bring the stretcher with you" Ryder said. "Coming Ryder" Marshall said as he put the suit back on and rushed in to help Ahri load up Mayor Humdinger. They arrived with him at the lookout and Ryder called all his pups, "I need everyone outside in the backyard as we pull in. Mayor Humdinger is with us and he has RTA. I don't want anyone near him unless you are in a suit got it" "Yes sir Ryder sir" the pups said as they all ran out to wait for them to arrive. Katie also came outside not wanting to get sick either, they arrived and Ahri, Marshall and Ryder were able to get Mayor Humdinger into the sealed medical room. Ahri was left alone with him as Ryder and Marshall took off the suits and disposed of them. 

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