Virus or something else?

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The next morning Ryder woke up and he was in a lot of pain he groaned and got the attention of Ahri who was on the floor next to him. "Ryder are you alright?" Ahri asked, "No I am in pain it hurts so much" Ryder said. "What hurts Ryder where?" Ahri asked, "my stomach right here on the right side" Ryder said. Ahri examined him and said "I think its your appendix, that could have indicated the high fever as well. I will need to do an ultrasound to confirm but I think we will need to remove it." Ahri said. "Okay" Ryder said as he was really in to much pain to say more, Ahri left the room and found Ryder' parents and said "I believe Ryder needs to have his appendix removed, I am not sure if the symptoms of last night were due to this or the virus but do I have your permission?" "His appendix? yes you have our permission" James said now worried that their son needed surgery. "I assure you it is a very simple surgery and it shouldn't take long" Ahri said as she went back into the medical room. She did the ultrasound to confirm and asked Katie to assist her. "I am a vet I don't know anything about humans" Katie said as she came into the room, "It is okay I just need you to monitor his vitals while he is under anesthesia, I can handle the surgery part." Ahri said. "Okay" Katie said sitting at Ryder's head as Ahri slowly put him under and began the surgery. 

Rocky and Rubble were explaining to Chase and Marshall that Ryder was having his appendix removed. "Does that mean he doesn't have the virus?" Chase asked. "I don't know" Rocky said. The surgery went well and Ryder had no complications from it, he even began feeling better. Ahri was still running tests on him as she wasn't convinced he didn't have the virus as well. Meanwhile Mayor Goodway was getting worse as her muscles started to get stiff and she couldn't really move. Ahri was busy with her patients and Katie asked her "Are you getting any sleep Ahri you seem busy?" "I am used to doing long shifts and I did sleep some last night, I will sleep when I can" Ahri said as she went to check Marshall and Chase next. James and Lily were hesitant to leave as they didn't know if Ryder was going to be alright. James needed to get back to work and Xayah needed to go back to school, they went to see Ryder in their hazmat suits. "Ryder we are not sure if we should leave or not, we are worried about you." Lily said. "Mom I am okay, if anything changes you will be my first call, I promise I feel okay, no stiff muscles or anything yet." Ryder said wanting to remain positive for his parents. "Okay please be safe Ryder we love you" James said. "I will you guys be safe too please" Ryder said and with that his family left and went back to Adventure City. 

Ahri was testing Chase and Marshall's muscle reflexes and noticed that Marshall's were a bit delayed. "Marshall do your muscles hurt at all?" she asked him. "Not really they just feel tight" Marshall said. "Okay come with me" Ahri said as she needed to get Marshall alone and away from Chase. Marshall was now being closely monitored as he was showing more signs of the virus. Ahri was trying to remain hopeful that all her patients would survive this in all her training and career as a medical pup she has not yet lost a patient. Everest had found out that Marshall was sick and drove down to the lookout as fast as she could. "You have to let me see him, he is my boyfriend!" Everest yelled at Ahri. "I don't care I will not risk you getting sick as well. I am sorry but no one sees him" Ahri said. Everest wanted to kick the little pomsky's butt but Skye stopped her. "Everest, it is okay, I can't see Chase either. For right now Marshall is fine. And we don't need anymore sick pups" Skye said. "Okay fine but I am staying here, I want updates on his progress" Everest said Ahri nodded at her as she went to check Mayor Goodway. 

Ahri was not happy as she felt that the Mayor was getting worse and worse, she was asleep now most of the time and her breathing was labored. Ahri sighed and called Katie into the room and said "Katie I am afraid the Mayor is just getting worse, she might not last the night" "Oh my, first Mr. Porter now Mayor Goodway, what are we going to do?" Katie said feeling really sad now. She new that 3 more people who were also showing symptoms could get worse and die just like the Mayor and Mr. Porter. Katie went and told the pups the news, they were all really said. Alex was not having it as he was also in the room "No this virus can't take Mayor Goodway too, where am I going to go?" Alex said. "You can stay with us for the time being Alex and Ahri is doing everything she can for her but it doesn't look good" Katie said. "Does this mean that the virus will also kill Ryder, Chase and Marshall?" Rubble asked. "I don't know Rubble they aren't showing the same symptoms yet but we have to hope that they don't" Katie said. "Who will be Mayor?" Zuma asked. "I don't know I guess we would need to have an election" Katie said. "Let's just hope it isn't Mayor Humdinger" Rocky said as he shuddered a little bit, "Yeah I would rather get the virus than have him become mayor" Skye said. 

Katie went to tell Ryder about Mayor Goodway and he sighed "This is not good, if she is dying does that mean the 3 of us will too?" Ryder asked. "I don't know I really hope not, Do you feel okay Ryder?" Katie asked. "Yes, I feel fine. My muscles don't hurt,  I am just annoyed that I am being isolated I am so bored" Ryder said. "Yeah Chase is saying the same thing, his symptoms are mild as well. Marshall is showing slightly more muscle fatigue and stiffness but he is optimistic" Katie said. "Marshall is very positive, I can't lose him Katie I just can't" Ryder said. "Let's hope we don't" Katie said. Katie left Ryder and went to check on Marshall as Ahri was busy trying her best to keep the mayor alive. "How you feeling Marshall?" Katie asked him, "I am good, I am just tired. My muscles only hurt a little bit, did I hear Everest?" Marshall said. "Yes she is here she is very worried for you. In order to keep her safe we are having her stay out there for the time being." Katie said. "Okay can you tell her that I am okay and that I love her" Marshall said. "Of course" Katie said as she went to check on Chase. He was watching the news when she entered and he said "Katie so far the only people who have died from this are over the age of 40. Everyone else has recovered, and only senior dogs have died as well maybe it only kills the people who are old?" Chase said. "Either way Chase anyone dying is not good, how do you feel?" Katie asked. "Stupid for saying what I said, of course I don't want anyone to die. I am just worried about Ryder and Marshall and the mayor." Chase said. "I understand that but how do you feel Chase?" Katie asked again. "I feel fine, I want to get out of this room!" Chase said. "I know bud hopefully soon" Katie said as she left the room. 

Katie updated Ahri on everyone's progress and told her what Chase heard on the news. "Well I still don't like the odds, no one else is showing symptoms?" Ahri said. "Nope everyone else seems fine" Katie said. "Okay, prepare everyone the mayor doesn't have much longer. Her breathing is getting worse and her heartbeat is very slow" Ahri said. Katie started to cry she wasn't prepared for this as she told everyone the news. Ryder called his parents and told them what was going on as well. They were very sad as well as they were good friends with the Mayor. At 3 am the next morning Mayor Goodway passed away and everyone woke up to the sad song of a purse chicken who just lost her only friend. 

Who else will the virus take? Does Chase, Marshall and Ryder have a chance to beat this? Who will become the new Mayor of Adventure Bay? Find out next time

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