Tragic end

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Ahri was monitoring Rocky very closely and she sighed and she left the medical room to find Ryder. She found him in the control room and she was glad that he was alone as this was going to be hard enough. "Ryder I am really sorry" Ahri said, "Why Ahri what is wrong?" Ryder asked as he bent down to her level, "I tried everything I could, I just don't think there is anything left that I can do. I think it is time for everyone to say goodbye. Rocky will most likely not make it through the night" Ahri said sadly. Ryder pet her and said "I understand thank you Ahri for everything that you've done. PAW patrol to the lookout" Ryder said super sadly. "Ryder needs us" the pups said. "He sounded sad didn't he?" Skye said as they all entered the elevator, they didn't stop at the mission room as the elevator just rose to the top. As soon as the pups reached the top they noticed Ryder was on the floor crying and they went up to him. Ryder grabbed all his pups and hugged them tight took a breath and said "I love you all so much, I really wish this didn't have to happen but we all need to go say goodbye to Rocky. He is getting worse and Ahri said there is nothing more she can do" Ryder said as he cried harder. The pups all looked at each other and Chase said "are you sure? I mean Rocky is a fighter he can get through this" "I am sorry Chase I don't think he will. Rocky is getting worse, I will give each of you some time alone with him. Zuma you can go first" Ryder said as he walked away from him pups.

Ryder was trying his best to not shut himself off as he knew he needed to be there for his pups he was their leader. All he wanted to do was crawl into his bed and ignore the world, Zuma put on his suit and he entered the room he really didn't know what to say or do he was so sad. Katie was moved out of the room just so everyone could be alone with Rocky. "Rocky dude, you are my best friend I can't bring myself to say goodbye to you. So I am going to see I'll see you on the other side. I love you Rocky I will always remember the times you would invent things to fix all the problems we caused. How you would help us repair or toys and even my surfboard on so many occasions. You were the first pup to talk to me when Ryder brought me into the PAW patrol. We are definitely going to miss you Rocky. I hope the rainbow bridge is a cool as it sounds, Bye buddy" Zuma said as he started to cry and walked out of the room. Zuma went to his pup house as he just couldn't control his tears. Marshall walked in next and said "I wish I didn't have to say goodbye in this outfit, I have a hard enough time walking without it. Rocky thank you for coming into our lives, you always knew the right thing to fix any number of problems. I love how you never threw anything out and no matter what was broken was fixed. You changed the lives of the PAW patrol when you became a member and we will never forget you. I do have one favor to ask, please watch out for Ryder. He is taking this harder than all of us and I just know he is going to need  a lot of help. Tell my parents I said hi, love you Rocky" Marshall finished and left the room. Rubble walked in next.

"I can't even begin to tell you how this makes me feel, I want to go back in time and make sure this virus never entered our lives. Thank you Rocky for always being there to help me with the missions and making sure we build everything perfect. I will always eat an extra bowl of food for you and I will never forget you. Life will never be the same with the PAW patrol but we will try our best to remember to recycle" Rubble said as he left the room and Skye entered. She was already crying as she sat beside her friend and she took a breath and said "Rocky Rocky Rocky, you can't die this is all just one big nightmare. I don't even want to think about our lives without you. What will happen to the PAW patrol if you aren't here, how will our things get fixed, no one in this world can ever replace you. I don't think I will ever be able to look at water the same ever again. Rocky I love you so much you will always be one of my bestest friends, I will see you again one day" Skye left the room as Chase entered he was really upset and he just didn't really know how to do this. He didn't want to say goodbye so he said "Rocky buddy I am not going to say goodbye. As I don't believe that you are going to die, I choose to think you love us all more than we think and you won't leave us. I will keep believing that you are with us forever, and that if you do have to pass that your spirit will be here. Rocky please don't die, I will miss trying to get you to take a bath and your saying Green means go. I can't do this Rocky I just can't please please please don't die" Chase couldn't continue as he broke down. Ryder walked him and gave Chase a hug and said "I know buddy, go wait with the others. I will be out soon" Chase did as he was told and just lay in his pup house and cried. All of the pups were crying they just couldn't believe that this was the end. Ryder sat with his pup and scratched behind his ears and cried he at this point didn't even care if he got sick as he took off the helmet to his suit and hugged his dying pup close. "Rocky, my sweet sweet Rocky. I remember the day I found you and you looked so dirty you were trying to fix all the problems around town. I brought you home and we tried to wash you I don't think Katie's shop was ever going to be the same after that. Her floor was soaked but in the end we got you clean. We made you officially the fix it pup on the PAW patrol, I would not have everything that I do without you. You made all my inventions better, the sea patroller, the air patroller and even the moto HQ would not have been built if not for you. The day you became a sea patrol pup for me is my proudest memory of you. Even though you were afraid of the water you conquered that fear to help that baby octopus get back to its mama. I could not be more proud of you Rocky. I hope that wherever you are going they treat you well, you will always be a member of the PAW patrol and I will never ever forget you. I love you Rocky more than you will ever know." Ryder said as he kissed his pup and left the room.

"Ryder didn't you have a suit on?" Ahri asked a little worried, "I did at first but I couldn't say goodbye in that" Ryder said as he went to his room. He sat on his bed and knew he needed to call people to tell them but he couldn't bring himself to do it. Ryder pressed the call all button on his pup pad and the pups heard the ping but didn't hear Ryder. All they could hear was him crying they all exited their pup houses and knew that despite how they felt Ryder felt worse. They all entered his room and climbed onto the bed with him and they all cried together. Ryder hugged is 5 remaining pups close and they silently prayed that this was not the end. Katie who was feeling better knew not to disturb them as much as she wanted to she already said her goodbyes to Rocky. Katie called Jake and Everest, and told them the sad news, Everest also wanted to say goodbye to Rocky. Katie also called Ryder's family and they were all so sad as well but knew Ryder needed his space. Everyone in Adventure Bay was grieving the news of Rocky and they all knew life would not be the same without him. Ryder who was hugging his pup said "I did something stupid pups, I just realized I might have killed you all" Ryder began to cry harder. "What did you do Ryder sir?" Chase asked curious, "I said goodbye to Rocky without the suit on I just couldn't do it behind a helmet I need to feel him close to me" Ryder said. All the pups looked at him and one by on they each said "We did too" Ryder looked at them and said "You mean you all took the suit off?" Ryder said. "Yup I couldn't hug him close in that suit" Zuma said. All the other pups agreed and Ryder said "We all probably signed our death certificates by doing this" "Well at least we can be with Rocky" Rubble said. Ryder cried and said "I guess all my pups can at least be together" "You will be with us to Ryder sir" Chase said, "No humans and pups don't go to the same heaven when they die" Ryder explained. "I think god would make an exception here Ryder he can see we all need you even after we die" Skye said as they all hugged and fell asleep. They were all so exhausted from crying. 

Everest had come down and said her goodbyes to Rocky as well as she cried with Jake trying to comfort her. She wished that she could be with Marshall right now but knew he was grieving with Ryder and she didn't want to pull him away. Ahri sat with Rocky and watched his breathing get slower and slower. She gave him some pain meds so he wouldn't suffer in his last few moments. "Rocky I want you to know that I think you are cute, I wish I would have had the chance to get to know you" Ahri said as she lay beside him and closed her eyes. Katie soon realized that she was the only one awake and was still in the medical room with Rocky and Ahri she thought they looked so cute. Katie noticed that Rocky's blood pressure was normal and that his vitals all looked really good. She was confused because he looked like he was getting stronger and not weaker. Katie fell asleep watching the monitor making sure it didn't change, she was praying so hard that it was almost too good to be true. 

The next morning Ahri turned off the machine and took the breathing tube out of Rocky's mouth. She felt him stop breathing shortly after 5 am, and she was so sad she never had the chance to get to know him. Katie saw what she was doing and started to cry and she hugged Rocky and said "We will miss you little buddy" and Ahri called in the others so they could finally say goodbye. Ryder and his pups were devastated they all said their final goodbye to Rocky, Ryder had decided to bury him under the big tree that was close to the lookout. No one felt like doing anything that day, they didn't even eat. Ryder just lay on his bed with his pups all around him. He knew that he needed to not ignore the world as he had responsibilities but he just felt numb. Katie had informed everyone that Rocky had passed and said that Ryder and his pups needed time to grieve. 

Will they get over this lose? how will they move on?

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