No motivation

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Ryder knew things were going to get worse before they got better, he was down a girlfriend and a pup. He didn't know who in town was infected or if anyone else on his team was infected, what if he was infected. Ryder's head was spinning he couldn't imagine losing anyone he loved let alone anyone in his family. Chase noticed that Ryder was struggling and he walked up to him and said "Ryder sir are you alright?" "Chase I can't imagine losing any of you pups, I am so worried this virus is going to take one of you. Rocky is not doing good right now and I just can't lose anyone. It is killing me that I could" Ryder said. "Ryder sir no one is dying from this virus, I am in the same boat as you I can't imagine losing anyone either. Marshall survived it I feel we all can make it through this." Chase said. "You can't be certain though Chase, I mean I'd rather die than see any of you pups suffer." Ryder said. "We would all suffer if you died Ryder sir, none of us want that lets try and not think negative here please" Chase said trying to uplift his owners spirit. Ryder gave Chase a pat and smiled at him "Okay Chase I will try" he said. 

Ahri was tending to Rocky and Katie who was now also showing more symptoms as she developed a slight fever. Katie was still able to move around and help with Rocky where she was needed. "Rocky are you feeling any better, can you breathe okay. I can put in a tube if you want to make it easier?" Ahri said. Rocky shook his head he was scared he didn't want to go on a ventilator but he was struggling. He was worried that if he went on it he wouldn't come off, "Rocky are you sure it will be easier to breathe give your body a break so it can heal" Ahri said. "Okay" Rocky said using up a lot of strength to say that one word, he was exhausted. Ahri and Katie were able to get Rocky on the ventilator and his oxygen levels improved significantly, and Ahri was feeling like he could get better.  

Ahri left the medical room and tossed the hazmat suit and went to find Ryder to give him an update on Rocky. She found him in the the Tv room and said "Ryder I am just updating you Rocky's breathing was getting worse as his muscles continue to get weak, I placed him on a ventilator and his stats have improved. I am hoping with him being on the ventilator it will increase his chances of fighting this" "Thank you Ahri please don't let him die. How is Katie doing?" Ryder asked. "She has developed a slight fever but she is still able to move around and says she is in no pain" Ahri said. "Okay thanks" Ryder said as Ahri left the room and went back to monitor her patients. Ryder's pup pad went off and he answered "Hello Ryder here" "Hi honey I am just checking in" Lily said. Ryder started to cry and his mom immediately knew her boy was hurting "Oh honey I wish I could come and hug you. I know you said you wanted to have some space with your pups as you don't want them sick. Are you sure you don't want me there?" Lily said. Ryder regained his composure and said "I am sure mom, its just Rocky is getting worse and I just can't lose him. I really don't know if I can handle it mom they are like my kids, they are my best friends" Ryder said. "I know sweetie but you can get through this and Rocky is not dead, just think that he will get through this" Lily said. "I am trying but if I think about Rocky getting better I think of another one getting sick. It is all just making my head spin" Ryder said. "Hang in there Ryder, they will come up with a cure or a vaccine or something for this. It won't last forever" Lily said. "Okay" Ryder said and they ended the call.

"Ryder is not doing good is he Chase?" Skye asked as she nuzzled him, "No he is worried, and I don't blame him so am I" Chase said. "We are all worried, this virus scares me Chase, what if I get it?" Skye said. "Then you will fight like hell to get rid of it because I can't lose you" Chase said to his girlfriend. The pups were all hanging around playing various games and they heard Ryder's ATV start up and they saw him drive off. "Where is he going?" Marshall asked. "I don't know but if he gets sick because he left, he told us we weren't allowed to leave. That we are on lockdown" Chase said a little hurt that he wasn't informed of his owners departure. Chase wanted to follow him to see where he was going but Zuma said, "Let him go Chase he is struggling with this, he needs to process that this virus could potentially take one of us away from him. As much as we all don't want it too, Ryder is just taking it harder than all of us because he sees us as his children" Zuma said. "What if he gets it while he is out, then he brings it back to all of us" Rubble said. "He wouldn't risk bringing it back to us, if he is sick he will stay away. I trust Ryder and I agree with Zuma we need to let him get through this in his own way" Marshall said. 

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