Virus strikes again

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Ryder finally had the courage to speak to his pups and he said "Pups I understand that this virus is scary and well it might affect someone again, I decided that we are no longer going to isolate the sick pup. I can't have any of you suffer alone, I will not go through what we did with Rocky again. If we are going to get sick then we all will take care of each other" Ryder said. "You mean we are all going to be sick?" Rubble asked, "I am hoping no one else gets sick all I am saying is I am not going to have the pup who is sick spend their time alone. We are still going to isolate here at the lookout but we are going to do it as a family. I am not going to have any of my pups spend their sick days alone and sad that we don't want to spend time with them." Ryder explained. "I agree but let's hope no one else gets sick, this virus is just no fun. I miss doing missions" Skye said. "Me too as much as I love hanging out with you all. I wish we could save people again." Zuma said. Everyone moved to sit in the TV room and mope the lose of their friend. Ryder turned on the TV and watched the news. 

A few minutes into the news Ryder said to his pups who were not even paying attention, "Pups there is a vaccine" "What is a vaccine?" Rubble asked. "It is a shot that can prevent you from getting the virus. It will help your body fight it as it enters your immune system. They only have it for pups though. I will not force you all to take it as it is your choice" Ryder said. Most of the pups decided that getting it would be in their best interest and Ryder had Katie order them for pups. "It will take a few days Ryder" Katie said as she finished the order. "That's fine thanks Katie." Ryder said as he hugged her. "I still can't believe you broke your leg, I mean what were you even doing outside in the dark" Katie scolded him. "I was just thinking and I wouldn't have crashed if the animal didn't dart in front of me" Ryder said. "Well thank goodness it wasn't more serious" Katie said as she patted Ahri on the head.

The next morning Ryder woke up coughing, he knew he was sick as he went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. "Well I knew what my chances were I risked them to be with Rocky, they will all have a vaccine soon. I just hope I can get through this as well" Ryder thought to himself as he coughed again. Katie knocked on the bathroom door and said "Ryder are you alright that sounds awful, I can get Ahri" "No, I mean I know that I probably have the virus. I am not going to risk Ahri getting sick" Ryder said. "Didn't you just finish telling the pups that you weren't going to isolate anymore?" Katie asked. "I meant it for them not me. I can't have them sick Katie I will not have a repeat of the last few days" Ryder said as she came out of the bathroom. "Ryder they are not going to stand for this you know that right. Your pups love you just as much as you love them. They are going to want the opportunity to help you in any way they can. They don't care if you are sick they would do the same thing for you." Katie said. Ryder sighed and said "I just can't lose them" Katie hugged him and said "I know but you have to remember that even if they do get sick they are strong. None of them are sick" Ryder looked at her and said "Rocky died Katie, he was such a good pup too, and he died" He started crying again and it was just an emotional roller coaster and he wanted to wake up from this nightmare. Katie gave him a kiss and said "Ryder I am sorry I know its hard, I just can't have anything happen to you. I am going to have Ahri check on you then I have to go to work for a bit. Stay strong" Katie said as she left the room.

Ahri came in shortly after and Ryder noticed that she wasn't wearing a suit anymore and he said "If I have the virus aren't you worried. I could infect you as well" Ahri looked at him and said "We are all in this together Ryder. The pups even set up a bed for you in the TV room and they are all ready to help take care of you" Ahri and Ryder entered the TV room "You are all going to risk your lives for me?" Ryder said. "We would risk everything for you Ryder, you are not alone. I can't speak for the other pups but I for one and am not letting you suffer alone" Marshall said. All the pups tackled Ryder and licked him and said "We are all with you Ryder, sick or not we are family" Ryder hugged his pups and sat on the bed they made for him. Ahri checked his temperature and vitals. "You have a slight fever Ryder, are you in any pain?" she asked. "Not really just my throat hurts." Ryder replied. Rocky brought Ryder a glass of water as Ahri handed him some medicine for the fever. He drank the pills and lay on the bed surrounded by his pups who were helping keep him warm. "You are all such good pups" Ryder said as he fell asleep. 

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