The virus strikes!

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At 2 pm that day a car pulled into the lookout driveway and as soon as it parked a little girl jumped out and ran to hug her brother. "Ryder!" Xayah said as he scooped her into a big hug. "Hey little missy how are you?" Ryder asked her. "Good where are the puppies!" Xayah said as she noticed them all come out to meet her. Xayah sat down on the ground and all the pups came and licked her. "Hi mom" Ryder said as his mom hugged him as well, "Hi honey, you seriously look so skinny are you sure you are eating enough?" Lily asked. "Yes mom" Ryder said annoyed he hated being the center of attention. Xayah was playing with the pups in the backyard while Ryder and his mom were making dinner together. "Did you hear about this new virus? It sounds very serious" Lily said. "Yeah we heard about it." Ryder said. "You all better be extra careful being rescuers and helping people all over the town, anyone can expose you to it. Seeing as how you are all so close it could be bad" Lily said. "We will be careful and like I told Marshall last night, if one of us does get it we will get through it as a family however we need to" Ryder said. "Well then, lets just hope it doesn't come to that" Lily said. "How is dad doing?" Ryder asked. "He is good, he wishes he could have came but he is extra busy at the firehouse these days" Lily said. Lily put her lasagna in the oven and then started on the pups dinner. "You don't have to make them something super fancy mom" Ryder said. "Now what kind of grandma would I be if I didn't spoil those who take care of my baby" Lily said. Ryder rolled his eyes and said "Okay I am going to go get some work done" as he walked out of the kitchen and down to the garage. 

Ryder received a call in his pup pad and he answered "Hello Ryder here" "Ryder, I think something is wrong" Alex said. "What is wrong Alex?" Ryder asked the young boy. "Grandpa is coughing, what if he has that virus thing! Is he going to die?" Alex said with sadness in his voice. "Does he look sick Alex?" Ryder asked. "I am not sure he is in the bathroom but he is coughing and that is how it starts right? Can you come see if he is okay" Alex said with desperation in his voice. "I will come with Marshall hang tight, PAW patrol to the lookout" Ryder said. "Ryder needs us" the pups said as they ran to the lookout. Xayah was very excited she loved watching her brother and his pups in action. "PAW patrol ready for action Ryder sir" Chase said. "Thanks for coming pups, we are going to have to take extra precaution with this call, Alex just phone and said he thinks his grandpa is sick, So I am going to need Marshall with your EMT gear to check him out." Ryder said. "I am ready for a ruff ruff rescue" Marshall said. "I will also need Rocky as Alex said he is locked in the bathroom just in case he can't open the door." Ryder said. "Green means go" Rocky said. "Alright PAW patrol is on a roll" Ryder said and they all slide down to their vehicles. Xayah really wanted to go with them but both Chase and her mom wouldn't let her. 

Ryder, Marshall and Rocky arrived at Mr. Porters cafe and Alex said "Thanks for coming, he won't answer me and he has been in there for a long time" Alex said. "Mr. Porter its Ryder are you alright in there?" Ryder asked as he knocked on the door. All they heard was a groan and a cough from behind the door. "Rocky open the door" Ryder said. "Ruff lock pick" Rocky said as he unlocked the door fairly quickly. "Marshall be very cautious in there I don't want you getting sick." Ryder said. "I will" Marshall said as he entered the bathroom and Mr. Porter did indeed look very sick. Marshall checked his temperature and noticed it was very high and he looked as though he was in pain. "He has a fever and I think he might have the virus Ryder, his muscles look tight. We should get him to the hospital" Marshall said. Ryder and Marshall were able to load Mr. Porter into the ambulance and they drove him to the hospital. Alex was very sad, "Is my grandpa going to die?" he asked Ryder. "I don't know Alex" Ryder answered. "You are supposed to save people, you are the PAW patrol why can't you save him." Alex said in anger. "Alex it is okay that you are upset, but you need to understand that your grandpa is sick and there are some things even the PAW patrol can't fix. I can't tell you what will happen but just know that there are lots of people that will be here for you" Ryder said. "You say that like he is already dead! I don't want him to die!" Alex said in tears. "None of us do Alex, we all hope that he pulls through this" Ryder said as he hugged the crying boy. 

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