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It has been a couple of days since the funeral and Ryder still hadn't really talked or even looked at anyone. He sat by Rocky's grave and just prayed and begged for the elders to make an exception. "I am worried about him Chase, he comes into feed us and stuff but he just sits there." Skye said. "I know I am also worried about him, but he essentially lost a son so he is taking it hard. I think now that we have immunity we can get back to missions. I hope that they will bring Ryder back around and he will be himself again." Chase said. "Yeah just hopefully we don't get a mission that Rocky would need to do yikes, that might make it worse" Rubble said. All the pups sat and watched their owner trying to think of any way to help him. Ryder would be distant and push them away as he said he wants to be alone. Ryder's pup pad started to ring and he was really not in the mood to talk to anyone so he diverted the call. "PAW patrol" Chase answered wondering why he got the call. "Hey Chase, how is Ryder?" Lily asked, "Well he diverted your call to me and he just sits at Rocky's grave. He is not good I don't know how to help him" Chase said. "My poor baby, well I called for a reason, I am hoping Ryder comes to help with this as I am not sure you pups can do it alone. That awful Mayor from Foggy Bottom has brought some sort of machine that spits fire. He is trying to destroy Adventure Bay." Lily said. "Don't worry Mayor Chapman no machine is to fiery no pup is to small, PAW patrol to the lookout" Chase said. "Chase needs us!" the pups said. Ryder also received the signal and stood up to join his pups even though he really didn't have the heart. "PAW patrol ready for action Chase sir!" Marshall said. "Thanks for coming, Ryder glad you made it we could really use you on this one. Your mom said that Mayor Humdinger is destroying Adventure Bay with a fiery robot." Chase said. Ryder looked at Chase and said "Go on" Chase barked and said "For this mission I need Marshall to put out all the fires that Mayor Humdinger has started. I also need all pups to help me try and stop this machine. Ahri I need you to help anyone who is hurt" Chase said. "I am fired up" Marshall said, "Let's take to the sky" Skye said, "Let's dive in" Zuma said, "Rubble on the double" Rubble said. "These paws will heal where they can" Ahri said and Chase said "Chase is on the case, PAW patrol is on a roll" As they all slid down the slide. Ryder also followed down his pole he wanted to see if Chase could handle himself. 

They arrived at town hall and Mayor Humdinger was running around with the robot and Marshall started putting out the fires. Ryder watched as his pups went into action saving people from the path of the robot. "Skye see if you can grab it and stop it from moving" Chase said, "You got it Chase" Skye said as she lowered her claw and tried to grab a piece of the robot, "I can't Chase he is moving to much" Skye said. "Rubble see if you can use your magnet to stop him" Chase said. "Rubble on the double" Rubble said as he activated his magnet, to his surprise it snagged the robot. "Good job Rubble" Chase said as the Mayor complained. "Aw, I thought you guys were down and out." Mayor Humdinger whined. "Sorry Mayor Humdinger we might be short a pup but the PAW patrol is always here for Adventure Bay." Chase said. Mayor Humdinger complained at drove back to Foggy Bottom on his kitten carrier as the members of Adventure Bay cheered. "Welcome back PAW patrol" Lily said eyeing her son. They were all leaving to go back to the lookout but Lily stopped Ryder. "You pups go, Ryder will join you soon" Lily said as the pups drove off. "Ryder honey, you can't do this. I know you are hurting but you are also hurting your pups. They are so worried about you and they hurt because you hurt, what you are doing is not healthy. I know it is hard to accept but Rocky is gone Ryder, I wish I could bring him back for you. I hate seeing you like this, you are not the boy I raised you are a shell and I know that the Ryder I raised is in there. Rocky might be gone physically but he is still here in your heart and the hearts of everyone who loved him. Please honey stop beating yourself up there is nothing anyone can do to change it now" Lily said. Ryder just looked at her and got onto his ATV and drove off. Lily sighed as she knew he was processing what she said but he really needed help and like Chase she didn't know how to help him.

Ryder didn't drive back to the lookout as he drove his ATV into the forest and just kept going he didn't stop until he reached the top of big view trail. Ryder jumped off the ATV and sat on the edge of the cliff and looked down. "Everyone says get over it, I can't I tried. It hurts so much, Rocky please come back I need you" Ryder said as he cried. Chase checked Ryder's location and noticed he was not at town hall anymore. He didn't know how to really track the signal like Rocky did but he followed it to what looked like big view trail. "Last time Ryder went there he crashed his ATV." Chase thought to himself. "Pups come to the lookout" Chase said. All the pups confused ran into the lookout and met with Chase. "Ryder is at big view trail, I am not sure what he is doing but I am worried. We are going to all go there and make sure he doesn't do something stupid" Chase said. "Do you really think he will?" Marshall asked, "I don't know but Ahri be prepared to sedate him if we have to he is not stable right now and I can't risk him getting hurt" Chase said. "Okay Chase" Ahri said as she grabbed her medical bag and they all got into their vehicles and drove to big view trail. Once they arrived they jumped off their vehicles and began searching for Ryder as they found his ATV but not him. 

Ryder heard his pups vehicles coming and he honestly just wanted to be left alone, he sighed as he tried standing up and slipped off the cliff's edge. He landed a few feet below and hit is head on a rock knocking him out, Chase sniffed around and caught his scent by the cliff as he looked down. "Ryder!" he yelled as he caught the attention of the other pups. Chase ran to his vehicle and drove it closer and activated his winch and they hooked Ahri too it as she was the medical pup. Chase lowered her down and she slowly checked him over and said "He hit his head but I don't see any other injuries." Ahri said as she hooked him up to the winch and he was pulled up back to the top. Ahri was then lifted out by Skye and they loaded Ryder into Ahri's ambulance as they drove back to the lookout. Chase pulled Ryder's ATV with him behind his truck, they arrived at the lookout and the pups managed to get Ryder inside.

Ryder was in the spirit realm and he was searching for Rocky, "Rocky are you here?" Ryder called out. Akali appeared and said "Ryder you need to stop this, I can't keep saving you. It is disrupting the nature of the future." "Please I just need to see Rocky" Ryder said, "He has moved on Ryder. He is no longer here, please accept that he is gone" Akali said, "I can't it hurts to much" Ryder said. "I am sorry, I can take some of the pain, but I can't bring him back. Your time is coming to an end here Ryder, I am going to erase your memory of this place for you and your pups. I feel like it is just causing you even more pain, this will be the last time I see you but I am always watching out for you" Akali said as she faded away. Ryder woke up and he was back in the lookout. "Ryder are you alright?" Skye asked. "Yeah sorry, I just needed to think and I was to close to the edge. Thank you for saving me, I am sorry I have been so neglecting pups, I promise to be more present in your lives. Rocky will forever be with us and I miss him so much but you are all here and I am here from now on okay" Ryder said. His pups all barked and started to lick him. Everyone was happy that at least Ryder for now seemed to be finally coming to terms with Rocky being gone. Rocky who was looking down on them from above smiled and said "I love you guys always."

I know this story was short but I have nothing more to write. Even though the virus killed some loved characters the PAW patrol in the end figured out how to be a family. Until next time with my college story. <3 to all my voters.

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