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20 years ago- thousands of people around the world started dying- their bodies left mascaraed in secured hiking spots.

Each person's body looked as if something had ripped it to shreds with it's bare teeth. 

No person was robbed- no person had any sort of history in which it could be traced to major anti groups. They were just . . Killed. 

One by one, day by day more and more news stories emerged about the killing, and in order to help the civil services who didn't have enough man power to find all the bodies and find a suspect- they offered a $60 million reward to anyone who found and reported a body, which meant $60 for each body found, reported and confirmed by authorities.

So that if you died the money could be passed onto your children.

You'd think most people would be over the moon- and rush out to find the corpses

However only 4% of the worlds civilian's participated. Most feared that it was an act of god- punishing those who mistreated this world - some saw it as god taking those destined to stay in the holy gates under his protection.

The rest just didn't know.

My parent's were one of the 4% to go and search- as they didn't have a great life- so the $60 million was enough to keep us going for generations

And indeed they found bodies- 6 to be exact- which had already bagged them over $360 million already. 

Though their luck was about to take a devious turn

"Honey, come quick before the storm takes on" I shout, watching as my wife clips a few more pictures of the last body we found.

Since these deaths have been happening, the weathers been taking a rather drastic turn- huge storms, rain that falls like hellfire yet wind that blows like ice.

Nothing's the same anymore- it's almost like Armageddon

"I'm coming" Felicity shouts running over to me

I take her hand and guide us to the abandoned building up a head.

We run in and shake off the rain, skin untouched thanks to the coats we wore

"It's not much, but it should keep us safe until the storm calms down- or until the police get here" I say, looking around

And true by my word- it really isn't much anymore. Just a huge slab of stone on the ground, broken pillars and a stone roof and walls

"What is going on Kyrese? The deaths, the storms? Whats next  locust showers?!" She cries

I run a hand on her back as she looks down at the ground

"I just want everything to stop being so. . scary" She sighs sadly

I hate this- I hate what's going on and I hate that the government are hiding things from us. They said it would get better but this has been going on for months now! And it's only gotten worse by the day!

"I know darling- but we'll be alri-"

A scuttling sound makes us both jump, and instinctively I stand in front of Felicity and hold out a gun

"Who's here? Show yourself!" I shout, eyes watching every corner, every single area of this place

I look over to the far right corner to see a pair of dark green eyes, watching us, a grim smile forms in the blackness, showing only the white teeth before it disappears

I breath out in shock and fear, before the sound of a baby crying fills our ears

I turn to look at Felicity- who looks as pale as I feel, but I can sense her wondering eyes.

Gulping slightly I grab her hand as we slowly make it over to the baby

My wife's hand trembles in mine, and a sharp gasp exits her lips as we look down the the infant

There in bloodied sheets- on the cold floor lay a small child. 

I bend down and carefully move the sheets off the baby's face, in an attempt to make out the gender

"It's a girl" I whisper, noticing that with every movement the infant does the more visible a single black feather becomes

I pick the baby up in my arms and turn to Felicity

"We can't leave her here- she might be the daughter of one of the people out there" I say, pleading eyes as I watch Felicity smile gently at the baby

"Of course we can take her in- but the police said to hand anyone into them- no matter the age." She says worriedly

I look down at the ground from where I picked the baby up and sigh

"I have an idea"

"Hello? Sir and Madam?" A police officer calls

"Over here officer!" I shout, holding both Felicity and the baby

"We've collected the bodies you reported, so expect the money in your account later on today"

I nod my head as watch from the corner of my eye as the officer who looks down on my wife

"Sir, is that your baby?" He asks suspiciously

"Yes sir it is, my baby girl." I say proudly, rubbing the child's head

"You brought your wife and newborn to find corpses knowing there may be a chance you'd die?" 

"No officer- my wife was pregnant, and she had to have an emergency childbirth" I lie through my teeth

The officer gives me another look as he continues

"So your brought your pregnant wife instead?"

"Forgive me officer, but with all that's happening- and me being the only support my wife has at home - I thought the safest she'd be is with me" I back up, feinting frustration

The officer's face softens as he nods

"Understandable- well, congratulations on your child. Does she have a name yet?"

Me and Felicity look at each other and smile

a/n How'd you guys find that?

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