Chapter 3

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"Hi Mom, No I swear Chaeyoung, he thought I was crazy" Lisa complains as she enters the house, slipping her shoes off in the process

"Hi darling, where's Soo?" Martha asked from the dining table

"She's got an after curriculum, don't know what though she just said and extra lesson" the brunette said, shrugging slightly

"That girl- okay Lis, I'll call you down when dinner's here" 

Lisa nodded as Chaeyoung gasped down the phone

"I don't think he was wrong- you are nuts" the pink haired girl chuckled

"Shut up, but seriously, I'm not going back there anytime soon, guys an prick" Lisa muttered, shutting her door behind her

"Well I have the perfect Idea. Lets go on a group trip, just you me, irene, jisoo and bambam. It'll be soothing, plus we can use the cabin my Dad gave me last year"

Lisa closed her eyes in an attempt to recall the cabin Chaeyoung was on about- and instantly her face fell

"Erm, isn't that place infested with bugs birds and the whole nature reserve?"

Lisa could hear, how Chaeyoung rolled her eyes, and then how she rubbed her forehead with the palm of her hand

"No Lisa- as I told you before, me and my dad went down there and cleaned it up, you know- when he decided he was going to give it to me?"

Lisa sighed and smiled gently 

"Fair enough then Chaeng- but I'm gonna head to bed, I'm really tired and at some point Jisoo is gonna come home complaining about whatever the hell happened after school and I prefer to be asleep for that."

"Wouldn't we all prefer to be asleep when she talks- yeah alright, I'll call you tomorrow to iron out the details- and make sure your packing too"

"Okay, night Chaeyoung"

"Night Limario"

Lisa went to protest on the nickname they had given her, but soon after Chaeyoung had uttered the words the call tone rung out, leaving Lisa mouth slightly agape in the shape of a deformed smile

Shaking her head she put her phone down on the bedside table before covering herself with her duvet and falling into a deep sleep.


The air was thin and cold, biting at Lisa's skin as she tried to look around and spot anything that could let her know where she was- but all her attempts were futile as she continued to stare into the blackness.

In the distance she hears the sound of a woman screaming out, and a man shouting- not angrily, but as if he was worried.

Walking in the direction she thought was close to the sound, Lisa notices her surroundings begin to change, small rectangular lights begin to dangle from a white tiled ceiling, and the floor beneath her becomes more sturdy, the dark mist becoming cream patterned tiles, with wet floor signs decorating them

Soon enough she's aware that she's walking down a hospital corridor. 

She watches as the rooms she passes fade after her, leaving only one door, coated in black mist, and the sound of heavy breathing and soothing tones lulls her in, forcing her to push the door open

Her eyes inspect the room, and instantly tears fill her eyes

Two doctors stand at the foot of the bed, helping deliver the baby, while her Father holds her Mother's hand as she tries to push out her child. 

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