Chapter 11

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"lisa, did you find him?" Irene asked, looking at the frazzled girl

Lisa didn't know what to say-

she could either say he's dead, that he was mutilated and mounted into a tree for the pleasure of a sick and twisted demon. That he became the prey his parent's once were.

or, that he had gone home early, and that he'd contact Irene when he was able to.

/ /

"Man, I can't believe Jackson is missing out on this" Bambam whistled as he plucked a tree from the ground and held it towards the sky as the walked down to the river

"I'm still kinda upset he didn't mention anything, but I can understand if it's a family problem" Irene muttered 

Chaeyoung nodded as Jisoo carefully watched Lisa, who tried her hardest to look normal.

If she sulked, it'd be suspicious. But if she was too happy- well that'd be even more suspicious

But realistically, she couldn't help it.

She wanted to vomit, to cry, to scream, to kill both Ruby Jane and that other demon. Because all they seemed to be doing was fucking up her life.

And how was ruby jane supposed to bring jackson back? was she going to bring him back as a tree? or was she going to bring him back as a brain dead zombie? Neither option seemed passable, but Lisa realized that it was a demon after all, so they weren't completely out of question

"Earth to Lisa! We're at the river dumby" Jisoo yelled down Lisa's ear

"Ow. What the hell Jisoo?" She complained, rubbing her ear

"You were out of it, so much that the others went ahead already. What's going on? Did Jackson say he was done with Irene?" Jisoo asked, standing in front of her

"No, no he really likes her. But he really did have some issues at home, so he's gone to sort them out." Lisa said, lying through her teeth

Jisoo squinted her eyes as she slowly  nodded

"Fine. I don't believe you, but we'll see won't we?"

Lisa nodded once more as Jisoo headed down to the river, dancing slightly as she headed down

Lisa huffed once more

If only she could bring Jackson back herself, instead of hoping that the demon that killed her parent's would actually do it.

But if she told the police they'd think she was crazy and lock her up for life. Which didn't sound to bad until she remembered the episode of Cops.

"Hey! are you coming or what Lisa, we ain't staying here forever"

Lisa swallowed down her fear and jogged lightly down to the river, not letting her eyes settle onto one thing as she spotted several dark spots that could easily have been the monsters from earlier.

/ / /

"Right, have we got everything?" Chaeyoung asked as she paced around the cabin

"Yeah" Jisoo called back as she stood on top of her suitcase as Lisa zipped it up

"Irene you have your bag?" She asked

"Got it"

"Bambam?" She called, side-eying the boy as he nodded proudly

"Yeah man!"

"Lisa, you have you and Jackson's bag?" Chaeyoung asked

"Yeah, I have them"

The clear upset in Lisa's voice made Jisoo huff loudly as they all stared at her

"Cheer up bud, we can always come back in like 3 weeks!" Irene laughed and shook her head

"Yeah and next time, no boys" She added, glaring slightly at Bambam who was sitting on his phone

"Yeah sure, I could go a few days without seeing you guys. Would be real nice" he commented back

"Seriously though Lisa, even though we're going home, if your not ready to get back out- I can speak to mom about letting you stay home for part of the semester?" Jisoo asked quietly as the other play fought amongst themselves

"Nah- i-it's alright. I'm just tired Chu"

Jisoo nodded as she jumped off her suitcase

"Well, shall we head home boys and girls?!"

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