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   17 𝘺𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴 𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳~

Brown hair bobs up and down in the small waves, a small pale body trailing behind- as if it was baggage for the mind.

A million thoughts raced around her head- yet none could be solved- at least she was in the mindset of they couldn't

She opens her hazel eyes and  looks at the empty pool- the water almost glistening

A small toe dipped into the space in front of her, surprising her momentarily before she headed up towards water.

"What Jisoo?" She spurts, shaking the water out of her head and wiping the stray hairs from her face

Jisoo shrugs and slips her sock back on before standing up 

"We're going home- I have food to eat and so do you"

Lisa huffs and hops out of the water, grabbing the towel Jisoo left for her

"You know, your mom doesn't have to celebrate the day she adopted me every year? I'll be out of you guy's hair by next year"

A sharp pain spread across her head as she hissed out in pain

"What the fuck Jisoo?!"

"First of all- its OUR mom, second of all, why the hell wouldn't she celebrate? Your fucking awesome man- and no, you'll still be with us next year, and the year after, and the year fucking after. Got it?" 

Lisa watches how Jisoo eyes narrows and smiles slightly

"Yeah, okay. My bad. Lets head home before I get a cold"

Jisoo rolls her eyes and helps the brunette up

"So over dramatic"

"Says the one who cried when she forgot to get the hot wings from KFC last night"

"Hey! That was traumatic!"

"Lisa! Jisoo! How was swim practice?" Martha exclaimed, smiling from the kitchen as a pot of food boiled in the back

"It was great- until Jisoo stuck her infested toes in the water" Lisa joked, playfully glaring at her step-sister

Jisoo scoffed and shook her head

"She's like Percy fucking Jackson! She was under there for like 5 minutes!" Jisoo huffed, wincing when her mom threw a wooden spoon at her head

"Language Jisoo" She threatened, holding another wooden utensil

Lisa snorted and shook her head

"I'm gonna go get changed, and probably call Bambam" Lisa says, looking at the three missed calls on her phone

"Knowing him- its just more sob story on why he can't get Irene and how he helplessly needs you as his wing-man to butter he- Hey I'm speaking!" Jisoo shouts as Lisa walks up the stairs waving her phone in the air as some sort of goodbye

"How was she?" Martha asked, ,leaning on the wall slightly as she watches Lisa's retreating figure

"Same as usual- only it was quicker to convince her this time" Jisoo sighed, slumping on the sofa

Martha said nothing, instead heading over to the food to stir it

After showering and changing into her night set Lisa dropped onto her bed, indulging in the softness for a few moments before she was jolted out of her comfort by a loud crashing noise

She turned around within seconds to flinch once more, the lightning striking the outside air

"Shit" She muttered, feeling her heart rate increase

She hated storms- ever since she was a baby. 

They'd make her cry, jump scream you name it 

It reminded her of the day her parents died- and that was enough to scare her all over again

Quickly she whipped out her phone to distract herself by blasting the loudest song she could, as well as messaging Bambam back

The second she told him she was free her phone begun to chime

Smiling to herself, she picked it up

"Y'know I didn't mean free to call idiot"

"I fucking asked her out Lisa!!! She said she'll think about it tonight and get back to me in the morning!" The messy haired boy shouted over the phone, his slightly high voice slightly breaking as moved swiftly on from Lisa's comment

Rolling her eyes playfully Lisa finally sat back and listened to Bambam's rant on how he was perfect for their friend and how she's perfect too. 

Eventually, Lisa chuckled and asked the boy as he took a breath

"Though Bammie, it sounds a bit like a business meeting- I mean who say's they'll think about it overnight? Thats the equivalent of 'let me sleep on the offer presented' and get back to you in the morning? I doubt it dude, Not even Irene is that stupid" Lisa laughed slightly, trying not to break his spirit too much

Bambam's scoff was clear though the mobile as he sassed Lisa

"People who have standards and manners say all those things Lisa- I know it's hard and all, considering you don't have either"

Lisa gasped slightly as she tried to weakly defend herself

"When have I not had manners! Or standards?"

" Four words. Mina, New years day"

Lisa inwardly cringed at the simple mention of her ex- and the day she broke up with her

"If I recall correctly, it was at 00:01, 01/01/2024 when Mina messaged me saying you had just broken up with her. Not even letting a minute pass before you broke the poor girls heart"

"She was toxic!"

"You were naive and too eager to get in her pants" Bambam tuts

"I didn't sleep with her" Lisa defended, her cheeks burning bright red 

"Lisa time for dinner!" A shout came from downstairs

"Thank god- I gotta go to dinner" Lisa said, sitting up and lifting herself off the bed

"Aww, I was having fun, the usual celebration?"

Lisa sighed with a slight smile


"Enjoy it kid, I'll probably be knocked out in like 4 minutes so goodbye"

Lisa laughed as the dial tone rung through her ears

"Coming Mom!" she shouted down, slipping on some slippers and throwing her phone on the bed.

a/n - im sorry this took so long to come out- i've been . . . busy 

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