Chapter 8

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By the time Lisa got back to the cabin with Bambam, everyone had already started to discuss where they should look for Bambam's dead body, and Lisa's murder weapon

Giving the most disgusted look she could muster Lisa held back a laugh when Jisoo's arms shot up in defense

"In my defense I said you'd kill yourself, not bammie"

Once all the commotion died down, they all formulated a quick and easy plan to get to the river. That is if Jackson didn't find a quicker way himself.  They all agreed that everyone would be ready in 4 and a half minutes or they'd be left to catch up with the group


Lisa stood in her room staring at the picture she'd taken of Ruby Jane. Her mind flashed back to the softness of her hand, and confusion mixed with rage as she thought about it

She had no right to touch Lisa. No right to even think about her

"Yo! Lolisa, nice pics" Jisoo practically shouted, gently nudging her

Lisa nodded before realizing that Bambam couldn't see Ruby Jane at all, and she wondered if it was the same with Jisoo.

"can you see the girl in this picture Unni?"

Jisoo looked at her, before looking down at the picture in confusion

"What kind of mushrooms did you guys eat? There's no girl in that picture Lisa"

Lisa looked down the the very clear image of Ruby Jane and shook her head

"No it's fine- Bambam said he could see a girl- like the tree's kinda shaped like one" She said, lying quite well

"Yeah well Bambam is still crying over Irene so I doubt he'd see anything else. Maybe Jackson"

The two laughed as Lisa crammed the picture in her drawer- determined to move away from the subject.

"Come on, before they all run off without us." Jisoo said, grabbing Lisa's packed bag of the desk and handing it to the taller girl

Nodding her head, Lisa followed swiftly behind Jisoo - resisting the urge to grab the picture once more as she slammed the door behind her


The walk to the river wasn't a far one, but Jackson still managed to get lost on the way there, complaining that Irene was too busy telling him to use a map, rather than just helping him walk there using his god given gps.

To which Chaeyoung threw grass and sticks at him, claiming that one day he's gonna get lost out here and no-one will be able to find his piss trail.

But by the time they got to the river, the sun had already start to set, the cool salt breeze brushing through the trees, the warmth of the summer air. Mixes of orange and red hues molded together as they all stood at the top of the cliff, taking off shoes, bags and caps as they prepared to jump.

Bambam was the first to jump, claiming that his body was made for this as he yelled, falling into the deep marina blue river.

They all waited to see a head pop back up, Lisa stating that if he did die she wouldn't be going down to collect the body, though Bambam's head bobbed back up as he pulled his long black hair from his eyes, laughing as he beckoned them down to the water.

After taking off his shirt and socks, Jackson followed, attempting to salute everyone, but instead hitting himself in the forehead- causing a sequence of laughs as he messily landed in the water.

Once Jisoo and Chaeyoung had stopped complaining to Irene about them not wanting to get trench foot, and Irene assuring them that them getting it would be medically inaccurate - Lisa had removed the necessary clothing and was getting ready to jump in herself

Turing around to the three girls she smirked

"I'll be under for a bit- don't bother pull me out or I'll drag you down with me"

Jisoo groaned as Irene and Chaeyoung nodded

Lisa looked at the water, and the two boys splashing about and finally jumped in after the boys.

The second her body hit the water she felt a peace.

Deep in the waters, it surrounded Lisa's body like a second skin, she could feel the temperature of the water drop- or more like she could tell the difference between being on top of the cliff, and being submerged under the water.

 It wasn't as cold as winter's chill, but it still brought a shiver to her skin when she first landed, but now it was more like welcoming a cool autumn breeze. Wandering from the estranged sets of legs of her friends Lisa felt herself truly become at peace once more.She could never get enough of the pure waters, or the way the blue cascaded down onto everything in her filtered sight.           

Taking a false deep breath, which in truth was never easy, Lisa headed towards the pale hairy legs from underneath the water

She felt a smirk wash onto her lips as she pinched them both, making both the boys scream as they tried to swim away

Her head broke the layer of water as she bellowed out in laughter, the other three girls laughing with her

"You should've seen their faces!" Jisoo cackled, leaning on Chaeyoung as she laughed

Jackson scowled playfully at Lisa before tapping Bambam and whispering something to him. The two boys (for once) smirked and fist bumped each other as the begun splashing water at the dry girls on the rocks edges

The girls began to scream out in laughter, with the occasional threat leaving Irene's mouth, but soon enough they too were in the water, splashing the boy's back with just as much ferocity.

Lisa grinned at them, but before she was able to join in, defending the one member down on the boys team, a strange warmth passed from under her

Spinning around to see what it was, Lisa almost yelled in shock when she saw Ruby Jane , underwater, swimming as fast as she could with what seemed to be fear in her eyes.

Lisa wanted to get out of the water

What could possibly make a demon, fresh from hell panic so much

Soon after Ruby Jane was out of sight, a dark black blur flashed past her eyes, and Lisa could only guess that it was the reason Ruby Jane had fled so quickly

I hope she dies.

And Lisa meant it. Every fiber of her body truly wished death on Ruby Jane. She ruined her life. Left her scarred.

In one swift motion Lisa spun around, calling out to Jackson and Bambam as she started to splash water at her sister, who seemed betrayed.

She splashed around with them and laughed with them as they played other water games, but the pounding thoughts in the back of her head never seemed to fade.

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