Chapter 2

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Lisa tossed and turned, not being able to sleep as the thunder raged through the room

Usually she'd spend the night with Jisoo, but Lisa wanted her to sleep without babysitting her- though it would probably help

One prominently loud crack echoed through the air, and Lisa jumped up, eyes widened in fear as she turned around and peered out of  her window

Her bottom lip trembled slightly as she bit back the tears as another loud crack slapped the wind, but it was only when Lisa removed her hands from her head did she realise everything was silent, eerily silent.

Gulping Lisa looked around a few more times, before hearing a slight growling noise from the back of her room. She looked down and saw nothing, yet she wasn't able to keep her eyes off there




Lisa finally cracked, a tear seeping down her cheek as a pair of red and green eyes illuminated a devilish smile. There was no proper face, just green, red and white sinking into her flesh without even moving

She watched in dread as the lips moved slowly

"Hi. . Lisa"

The fear powering through Lisa's bones was enough to make her crack- or in this case scream, which is what she did as she covered her face, drowning out the maniacal laughter.

Jisoo and Martha burst into the room, Jisoo switching on the lights and Martha holding Lisa tight, wiping the tears off her face as she sobbed

Jisoo's eyes widened as she inspected the room, seeing nothing she looks back at her mother and nods.

/ / /

"Please Lisa, you have to at least co-operate with me. You were screaming in the middle of the night, on a stormy night and there was nothing there, you can't realistically expect me to believe that the same 'demon' that killed your parent's is now after you" Her therapist sighed

Lisa shook her head frantically as she grew more and more frustrated by the minute

"I'm not fucking crazy! I know what I saw! And it's not your fucking job to make me feel like I'm losing my damn mind" She shouted, red hot rage seeping through the cracks

"Well I'm not here to sugarcoat everything either- I suggest you go visit the doctor and ask him to test you for schizophrenia or bi-polar disorder"

Lisa scoffed and jumped out of her seat, walking out of the room and slamming the door behind her as she did. 

a/n this is short cuz it was supposed to be with chapter 1 : / idk whats wrong with my brain
fun fact : i cannot read cursive- like at all- so if theres not much in this book you know why lmao

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