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◖ Baby

"Ruby Jane hasn't cried you know? Not since she's got here at least" I say to my husband, who gently tickles at her toes

She smiles, and soon after starts to laugh, making Kyrese laugh too

I smile and lean gently into his shoulder.

"I love this. I love you" I say, holding my finger out for Ruby Jane to take it

She watches it carefully before she grabs it with a giggle

I smile widely as Rese pulls me into his side, kissing my head gently as we laugh gently with our daughter

◖ 7 Years Old

I watch as Ruby Jane runs around the living room on all fours , slightly worried but mostly enjoying seeing her happy

"Darling, can I get a quick word?" Kyrese asks, winking at Ruby Jane before we leave

"What did he say?"

"It's unknown, but he suggests a priest or something silly like that" He says rolling his eyes

I scoff and hold his hand gently

"I know the tails a bit much but a priest?"

He simply shrugs and smiles lopsidedly

"I guess not every child has red and black eyes, a tail the same length as their leg and abnormally sharp canines"

I laugh slightly as he places a hand on my stomach, smiling happily 

"Come on, lets go back in there before she runs up the walls" I joke, making him laugh too

We sit on the sofa and watch as Ruby Jane continues to run around the space smiling widely as she turns to us with her bright eyes

She's beautiful

"Mama? Why are you fat again?" She asks, still smiling as she walks over and gently prods my stomach

I laugh and shake my head, playfully glaring at Kyrese who laughs loudly

"It's not fat darling, it's a baby" I say, holding my hand out for her to take

She raises an eyebrow and places the hand in mine, letting me guide it to my stomach

"Do you feel that? That's your new sister Ruby Jane" I say, smiling as she stares intently at the bump

She stays still for a moment, completely frozen. 

Kyrese nudges me gently and I give him a worried look before looking down at Ruby Jane who is now looking up at us, eyes now red and green

She smiles widely and takes her hand of my stomach, stepping back and jumping excitedly

"Scared you Mama! Haha." She laughs making me sigh in relief

I thought for a moment she was upset

"Aww Ruby Janee you scared Papa too~ how come?" Kyrese asks, whining slightly to make it seem as if he was scared too

"How else was I supposed to feel it move? The baby reacts to your feelings, so I made it kick Mama!" She says with a broad smile

I look at Kyrese before looking back and Ruby Jane with a small smile

"How'd you know that darling?"

"Papa's books" She says with a small shrug as she walks over to Kyrese and lays in his lap

Don't Tell A Soul : The OriginsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora