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Flawless Victory. What's the difference? What flaws are there in a normal victory, and what privilege does it take to make a regular victory into a flawless victory? In your opinion, as long as no enemy enters the property that you would be so bent to forfend, that you would rather severely injure your operators for, this victory does not have any flaw. But what Silence is referring to now, as she was watching the battlefield with you, is a flawless victory.

"Fool!" Surtr screamed as she destroyed the last of the reunion soldiers.
"Doctor, it seems like you won't be needing my assistance. This operator is clearly really reliable." Silence commented.

"You're absolutely correct. It might not seem very distinct, but I am extremely thankful that an operator like that chose to join us." You agreed as Surtr made her way to you.

"That was really impressive." You congratulated Surtr, who replied with eyeing you and turning back, perhaps, from embarrassment? Who knows. However, the vigilant charge for you, and your two membered squad, to do in the meantime, is to return to the home-scented landship. Being able to achieve this may dust off more time than the operation itself, which lasted no longer than a few minutes, obviously, as a result of working with Surtr.

But the environment that you're currently standing in is far from "home-scented." The corpses lay motionless, some sliced in the stomach or chest, some decapitated, some burned to the death, and the others are simply crushed by the land that she wistfully destroyed from proportion. Those who died of the last unfortunate death that you found, are in the state where their corpses do not even look humanoid. Whereas Surtr herself, almost as if she witnesses this on a daily basis, does not seem to be bothered by the bloodbath at all.

"Man, just another uninteresting day in the eternity." Nian laid back, in your massive black office chair. These days, she seems to be seen in your office more often than the owner yourself.
"Whaddaya think, Doctor, how was the operation? Heard from some minors in the back that you achieved a flawless victory with two operators. The owl and the newbie?

"Ah yes, Silence and the newbie." You replied to her.

"Speaking of which, I haven't even encountered the newbie yet. Wonder if they're as off as you, took me a long time to warm up with you, y'know."

"Right. She is pretty difficult to get friendly with."

"Aha, if even the mighty Doctor can't get friendly with this newbie, I might as well chill in the back. Also, I smell the blood. Looks like those two caused some real chaos there."

"Hehe, as expected, you're correct again." You replied as you purposefully had your last document aviate behind your back, indicating to Nian that you're finished. She went to pick up the document, slamming it back to your desk.

"Well then, bother to have some snacks? Heard there's an ice cream machine downstairs. Never expected this humourless landship to bother to improve on their food facilities."

"Ice cream machine? Hah, I'll make sure to thank whoever got that coming." You replied.

Flames of Recollection - Surtr x Doctor [ARKNIGHTS]Where stories live. Discover now