Ch. 3

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"Sun?" Moondrop gave the door a light knock, he felt bad for scaring the animatronic. Even if he isn't supposed to talk to him, which is something he craved for, he at least wanted to apologize.

Sundrop jerked his hand away at the sound of his name being spoken behind the door. It was his very first time hearing moondrop's voice, it was so unfamiliar, making him nervous. He very slowly coverd his mouth, he didn't dare to move from his spot.

Maybe if he stayed quiet, he would think he had already gone to recharge.

Moon was sadden when he got no answer. Perhaps he really was afraid of him. He hesitated before speaking again. He tried to make his voice as soothing as possible.

"Sundrop? I'm deeply sorry for scaring you. I, didn't, meant to" He looked down.

He still got no answer, it made him feel worse, what would be the point in loving someone if they were afraid of you?

He countinued, trying to push past the negative feelings at not being answered.

"I'm not entirely sure if you can hear me, or if you even want to, but it would be a great favor if you didn't call security"

Sun just stayed there, still not moving an inch. He was suprised at the sudden change in his tone. It slightly relaxed his trembling body.

Slowly, he removed his hands from his mouth.

Sundrop moved closer to the door, so he could respond. "W-Why should I?" Damn it! He tried to not let his stuttering show!

Moondrop lifted his head at the voice. It was soft, angelic, it was beautiful. He had never heard the animatronic's voice so clearly before. He shook his head at the thoughts, he needed to focus. He could scare him away again.

"Let's just say, getting security involved... what's an appropriate word, ah, getting security involved sucks."

He relaxed when he heard a light chuckle from the other side, a small smile grew at the lovely sound. A warm shade of pink blush appeared on his face.

"Its a rather annoying process of getting yelled at for an hour and getting locked in the machinery room for days-"

*and the constant threats of dismantling me*

*-so please don't do it."

*Locked in the machinery room?* His amusement quickly faded.

Now why would they do that! If moondrop broke a rule then any punishment would be better than the machinery room. It's dark, damp, and overall terrifying in there!

Sundrop thought of what to do while moondrop waited behind the door.

Maybe he would call them after all. He was taking too long to answer, and that made him uneasy and upset.

"Hey, maybe..." He started thinking more about it. Would it really be okay if he said this? He was already scared enough of him, and he didn't want to increase that.

"Why... don't you open the door? So we can talk"

Sundrop heard those word come out of moondrop's mouth, and he lost it.

The fear from before came back, and this time there was possibly nothing to calm him down. He stepped back, he didn't want to open the door! He had spoken three word and he already wanted to see him!!!

The story of moondrop's old worker, Sasha, immediately folded his head. Was this how it happened!? Just a quick chat and look and he got attached? If it was, then there was no way he would open the door! Maybe he chose wrong, he should've pressed the call button!

Then why didn't he? He had every chance to. At any second he could've just extended his arm and press the stupid button!


Why. Didn't. He?

"I'm-I'm sorry, but I won't... I won't open the door!" Why was he apologizing! It wasn't his fault. Moondrop was the one who came in early! And if he would have waited then none of this would've happened!

Or, was he the one? Did he started getting the children tucked in too late? He never did anything late or early, he was always on schedule!

What if it was his fault? Then he should apologize. But he already did that.

*oh what does it matter anyways! There is no way I can explain this to security if I did call them! How can I say I waited to press the button!?*

He sighed, he had decided on what he would do.

"I won't open the door, but I promise not to report you, Moondrop" sundrop made his hands into fist, he held them tightly closed, waiting for the respond the other would give him.

Moondrop was glad his plan worked, if he scared the animatronic into telling him to open the door, he wouldn't call security. But, by the tone of his voice, it sounded like he ended up scaring him more.

He hated the fact Sundrop feared him. He knew what the workers in the plex said about him, but what he hated the most was the stories the workes would tell Sundrop.

*They led him into scaring me*

Right now he felt like punching something, to break something at the though.

All he did was protect! He protected his worker! All he did was protect someone he cared for! Wasn't that something all humans did?? So why was it wrong when he did it!?

Sure he might of gone overboard, but it wasn't entirely his fault. The guards attacked her, it was just his instinct to protect!

His coding!

Moondrop immediately tried to let go of the memories. It always filled him with so much anger and sorrow. He hated feeling that way.

"Thanks starlight" He quietly spoke, he calmed down and allowed a small sad smile to spread across his face as he left.




Anything below is just old stuff, so it don't matter.

I will upload the next chapter some time today, hope you enjoyed it!!!!


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