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"Avery!" called Haden from the kitchen. I opened my eyes groggily, trying to adjust my eyes to the harsh sunlight. Sometimes I'm sure I'm a vampire.

"Avery, you're late for work!" shouted Haden again.

"Yes, mum," I sighed.

Finally, Haden walked into my room and whipped the covers off
me, not caring that I slept naked.

"Get up, Miss Nudity," he said, walking over to my wardrobe and throwing some clothes at me.

"I'm up, I swear," I said, pulling on a t-shirt that ought to have gone in the laundry a week ago.

"Come down when you're ready, bird," he said, skipping downstairs. Okay, who the heck skips this early in the morning?

I checked the clock as I brushed my teeth, I still had a whole hour before I had to leave for work. Haden was my un-snooze-able alarm clock, and he always woke me up an hour before so that we could have "family time". And no, Haden is not my brother.

I finished up my routine and made my way downstairs, where my housemates were already at the breakfast table. Before you ask me, I'll tell you - I live with five boys in our condo.

First, there was Haden. Resident charmer and sex god #1. Too bad for ya ladies out there, my boy here is gay. He was also Art Boy Supreme.

Second, the one and only Logan Lerman. Pfft, I wish. It's just Logan. Sassy, sex god #2, footballer Logan who was Haden's boyfriend. Too bad for ya ladies again.

Third, Nick. Blonde-haired, blue-eyed sex god #3. He's so good-looking that no girl dares to come near him for the fear of looking like trash. Hence, he's as single as he's handsome.

Fourth, Zee. The bad boy and the softie. The thug and the artist. The tobacco and the icecream. Sex god #4, with the black hair, leather jackets and all the women.

Lastly, Luke. He was all about the truth, the honour, the sacrifice, the bravery, and Disney. But nevertheless, sex god #5. Also known as Captain America the Second.

And then there's me. I never get laid because I never leave the house. Me, Avery, office-going, tumblr-browsing, anime-watching, book-reading Sex God #6. 

"Morning, y'all," I said, sitting down next to Nick and snatching the OJ from him.

"Okay, where did you even get that word from?" asked Logan.

"Ao3." I replied, helping myself to some toast.

"Ooh, don't ask her about it. It's scary fanfic place." said Nick.

"Scary fanfic place? What's that mean?" asked Zee.

"It means scandalous One Direction fanfiction where Louis Tomlinson gets it on with Josh Dun from twenty one pilots." I smiled at him.

"What the actual heck?!" Luke grimaced.

"How do you like ten bands at once?" Zee laughed.

"Talent, you hoes. I also read this fanfiction where Justin Bieber gets with Jungkook from BTS."

Logan made a gagging gesture as Nick and Luke laughed.

"Even one where Jaebum from -"

"That's enough pairings for one breakfast, bird," Haden covered my mouth with his hands, "I'm pretty sure we've had enough."

"Same," said Zee.

"Ditto," said Nick and Logan, while Luke nodded his head solemnly.

I rolled my eyes. "I was just going to tell you about how Jaebum -"

"Avery!" All of them yelled at once.

"Okay, jeez." I laughed, popping a strawberry in my mouth.

"Well, now that that's over" said Haden, and all eyes turned to him. "I need you guys to clear up your work schedules for this December."

"Eh? Why?" asked Logan.

"I'm going to Hawaii on job," said Haden.

"Yeah, so? You always go to all these exotic places and never take me," Logan pouted. "You won't even buy me nice things, you went to Japan last year and got me a damned bonsai tree. And let it die in your stinky ass suitcase."

"At least you got a dead bonsai, I got a tissue from the maid café. Literally. Me, otaku number three thousand. He didn't even try." I narrowed my eyes at Haden.

Nike rolled his eyes.

"Screw you both. He didn't even tell the three of us where he went."

"That was a bitch move, Haden, that is what it was." said Zee.

"Okay, okay, I'm making up for it, alright? I'm taking you guys with me. We're all going to Hawaii, baby!" said Haden, throwing his hands up.

Everybody stared at him.

"Sorry, do you think we're that jobless? Some of us actually have work, unlike your unemployed ass." said Luke.

"Hey!" Haden protested. "I'm going on job, thank you very much."

"You're a chef, H." Logan deadpanned.

Haden pointed his fork at Logan.

"If you guys don't wanna come, it's okay. It was all on me, but I guess now..."

"Wait, it's on you?" Zee quipped, interested now.

Haden sipped his green tea.

"It was, but since you guys aren't up for it I'll just call my work friends.." he trailed off.

"Haden, Haden, Haden, my boy, my main hoe, my sweet cupcake sunshine flower child," I cooed. "How could we ever say no to you?"

Nick joined in.

"That's right, my sweet summer wind, my beautiful rainbow cake."

Haden grimaced.

"Okay, stop with the terrible nicknames and we're still on." he said, sighing.

Everyone cheered.

"Also, H, why are you going to Hawaii?" asked Logan after everybody had stopped yabbering  about their work schedules.

"Oh, it's a wedding job, it'll be over in two days," he said pleasantly. "I'm flying to Hawaii three days before you guys, so by the time you guys show up, I'm free to enjoy the sun with you hoes."

"Wow, you really have this all planned out," I said.

"Yeah, I know, I've been thinking about it for a while." said Haden happily.

"Well then," said Luke, standing up and raising his glass of orange juice. "Here's to a nice Christmas holiday, you guys!"


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