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@Angelineamalik as Anastasia Angelo

And @SemiColonLou as Nicole Stone

Thanks for the cameo, girls!


Chapter Six

"Damn this, you're going back to New York," said Haden. I'd been a mess for the past hour and Haden was visibly annoyed.

"Okay," I said in a small voice. It wasn't much of a good thing staying here anyway. I got what I wanted, and though it didn't go very satisfactory, it was still something.

And I was getting kind of homesick anyway. I wonder how Haden stays away, especially with his boyfriend in a different country.

"So I can book your flight back home?" asked Haden.

"Yeah, go ahead." I said. I wasn't really concentrating. My mind was filled with old memories and inside jokes that me and Sarah shared, and how she acted so cold and distant. It hurt, but I guess that's what time does to people.

And yeah, I'd moved on from her as well. Maybe it was my fault. I should've tried harder to get in contact with her. Instead I gave up and moved on, and now I had five of the best friends in the world who I know would never leave me.

"Hey, Haden," I turned towards him suddenly.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"How did you know I was going to ask for something?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You don't call me Haden unless you need something from me," said Haden, crossing his arms in front of his chest and attempting to frown at me. Keyword, attempt.

"Well, a couple friends of mine live down here in Hawaii, and I was hoping I could go and meet them? I promise I won't be long, I promise, I promise, I promise!" I pleaded.

Haden gave me a look.

"And what makes you think I will let you go to a random friend's house in a place you've never been before?" Haden said, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"Hey, I'm not ten! I can go where ever I want. Besides, I've got the GPS thingy you installed on my phone last winter," I said.

Haden groaned. I knew he couldn't refuse me for long; I was his pet and I knew what it took.

"Fine, go ahead. Take the car. Don't damage it for Mother Mary's sake, it's rented." said Haden.

I grinned, left a sloppy kiss on his cheek and ran out of the room, grabbing the car keys on my way out.

Okay, let me tell you here that whatever Logan might say about my driving abilities, I will tell you that I can drive pretty decently. For example, I don't drive into poles and trees as often as Nick and Zee do.

I started the engines and turned on my GPS, and cruised on the streets of Hawaii for a good half hour before I was pulling up in front of my friends' house.

Sarah, me and these two were best friends all through highschool. I knew that they lived here, unlike Sarah. I bet even they didn't know that Sarah lived here.

I rang the bell. A moment later someone opened the door.

It was Nicole Stone, my curly-haired, jumpy, crazy afro-american friend.

She frowned when she saw me, but the next moment her frown gave way to a Cheshire Cat smile and she hugged me so hard I was sure I'd have high medical bills.

"Ana! Ana! Look who's here! You wouldn't believe it!" she shouted into the house, and turning to me she said,"Come in! Oh my God, it's been millennia!"

A ginger girl came into the drawing room where Nicole had lead me to. She was wearing an apron that said "Gotta Love The Chef". She was Anastasia Angelo, my other best friend, who was actually Italian by birth, but she'd lived in New York all her life before coming here to Hawaii.

"Avery?" she asked cautiously.

"The one and only," I said before she was attacked me in a bear hug.

"Whoa there, watch the ribs." I said, laughing and hugging her back. It felt nice to see them again. It had been seven years and I'd only seen them on social media.

After all the tears were wiped and all the jokes laughed on, Ana went to get some cake while Nicole stayed back and talked to me.

"So," she asked. "You came all the way to Hawaii to see us?"

"Oh, no," I said. I knew I could be downright honest with them. "My friend Haden was called here on his job. I just kinda tagged along."

"There's something you're not telling me," said Nicole, crossing her arms over her chest. I blinked at her. It might have been seven years, they might have moved to different countries, but Ana and Nicole could still read me like an open book and that amazed me.

"It's about Sarah," I said, finally. "She lives right here, in Hawaii. It's her wedding."

Nicole looked like someone had punched her grandmother. Just then, Ana came into the room, carrying a chocolate cake in her hands. She owned a bakery, and her channel on YouTube was pretty famous.

"I was just going to take this down to the bakery," she said, setting the plate down. "But you happened."

She began to chuckle, but it died as soon as it came out as her eyes fell on Nicole.

"What's wrong?" asked Ana, eyeing me curiously. 

"Sarah lives in Hawaii." said Nicole slowly.

"What?!" shouted Ana.

"And she's getting married." said Nicole again.

"What ?!" shouted Ana, her voice raising to an alarming level.

"Calm down, you guys. Let me explain." I said, motioning Ana to sit down.

I explained the whole story to them, and they heard me out fully, without interrupting even once.

"How could she do that?" asked Ana.

"I don't know. I guess we don't matter to her anymore. She's moved on, we've moved on, that's how the world works, I assume." I said.

Nicole just stayed silent, her lips pursed.

". . . but we still love her! We miss her so much, damn it!" shouted Ana,

"She...doesn't get that? For all I know, she might even be happy she lost us." said Nicole.

"Huh." scoffed Ana.

"All I wanted to do there for her wedding, you know? I just, I don't know, thought maybe we could hang out before and catch up and everything, but clearly, she didn't want that." I said.

"Maybe she's just nervous about her wedding, Ave." said Nicole.

"That, or she just doesn't want to talk to you again." said Ana. Nicole gave her a look, but Ana just waved it off.

"Yeah," I said. "But I'm happy I have you guys."

"Always been here, honey," said Ana, hugging me.

"Oi, you forgot me!" whined Nicole, before jumping on top of the two of us.


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