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Chapter Eighteen

I coughed slightly but that didn't make Sarah get off me. Instead, she just clung on to me like her life depended on it. At this point I'm also sure it did.

"Hey, um - Sarah -" I said, getting slightly uncomfortable now, "Could you like - get off me or -"

She still held on to me, and I couldn't take it anymore.

"Dude, get off me." I said, my voice slightly sterner than I'd wanted. It didn't help that I sounded like a grown man. I eased her off me, but she continued to cry, wiping her eyes continuously on her sleeve.

"Look here, I've had enough of your shit," I said, rolling my eyes. "Haden will be here tomorrow. You do whatever you want here, okay? I'm tired of always being your second option."

With that I stormed out of the café, scaring the barista in the process.

I took a look back as I walked towards the elevator. Sarah looked like she wanted to say something but she didn't try to follow me.

Good, I thought. She won't know about Hilton, assuming he hasn't already left yet in which case I will be compelled to forcefully eject him from my suite.

I punched a button on the elevator and waited for it to reach my floor, as Frank Sinatra played in the background. Classic, I tell you.

The elevator dinged to a stop, (I was pretty disappointed that it had gotten there so fast, because Frank was being a darling) but as soon as the elevator doors opened I had the shock of my life. It was Hilton standing outside, with his back to the elevator door. If I was in any other situation, I would have laughed. But right now I was so grateful to God and Obama and the Queen and Kanye West that I whispered a silent prayer to them as I hastily put on my jacket's hood and got out of the elevator.

Hilton, on the other hand, seemed terribly distracted and kept looking at his shoes, so he didn't even cast me a glance before entering the elevator.

I couldn't believe I'd gotten so lucky.

I entered my suite and took of my shoes and my jacket. I'd wanted to go outside that day, but in lieu of recent events I decided to just sit inside. Besides, room service existed.

Deciding to wash off, I took off my clothes and got into the white bathrobe which the hotel provided. I started the bath, even though I knew perfectly well that I could take a quick shower and get out, but I didn't feel like it. I wanted to think, and baths always let me think.

The hotel had bath bombs - which was totally a surprise - and even a scented candle. Talk about indulging yourself. At least now I knew that Haden worked in extremely expensive conditions.

I put on some Lana Del Ray as I got splashed around in the bath a bit, singing along to Summertime Sadness. It wasn't even summer and I wasn't like, sad sad - but yeah it felt like the song of the moment.

I didn't know what to do now. Unknowingly, atleast, I'd added myself into this mess and now there was no getting out of it.

Logan told me this once - when in doubt, go shopping.

Well, atleast I know my agenda for today.

Happy New Year, y'all!
I know that I've been dead lately but I had a huge writer's block so even if I had time I didn't know what to write.

So, here's wishing you all a wonderful 2016 and I hope you guys make the best of it.

All the love,
A x

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