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Chapter Sixteen

I'd panicked and hung up the phone hurriedly after that.

Holy Fuck.

Yael was Mark's friend. When we'd broken up, I'd actually said some really scathing things that I now regret saying. I mean, talking to a person you called a motherfucking cunt a few years ago isn't really a good idea, nor is it safe. For all I know, Yael might even be a serial killer now.

Okay, now what?

I didn't want to call the boys, they'd all be at work now, I couldn't call Dan or Phil, and I couldn't call Mark.

I brought myself to think about why I cared so much about Sarah. I mean, what has she ever done for me? I thought we were best friends and shit, but for her all it ever was was "four years of talking about crushes". Talk about memories. Now here I was, away in another country chasing this woman who was out chasing this other guy while her fiance chased her. I should've just let her come here alone.

What was I even thinking? Excuse me while I go jump off a cliff.

I sat for a long time near the glass walls which overlooked the city outside. Paris was just so beautiful. And here I was, sat inside a hotel suite contemplating life, when I could go out and have fun - maybe. Paris' nightlife may not be as fun and as noisy as New York - dude, New York was literally the city that never sleeps - but there were still places I could go.

Soon, the alcohol got me on my feet and I shifted through my shopping bags, looking for something I could wear to a club. I'd gotten a black crop top and some really cool boots, so I decided on them and some Nike booty shorts I just found at the bottom of my bag.

Slutty? Well, bring it on. I didn't feel the need to dress like I was going to climb the Everest, and I just felt like being a girl for a night. Women might be better in bed, but girls get picked up faster. To clear any confusion, I'm a woman, okay. A strong, independent woman who don't need no man and who follows a high school friend as though those friendships were going to last for ever and ever and - I need to sort out my priorities.

Best things about hotels in tourist destinations? They have cabs at any point of time. It was literally 1 a.m. and the receptionist said the hotel cabs were outside and I could use them. Go, hotel cabs!

Twenty minutes later, the cab driver dropped me off at what she called the "raddest club down here" and promised to wait out here while I got hammered inside. I called her in for a drink or two but she declined, pulling out a pack of cigarettes and assuring me that she'd be fine. Well, hurray for cab drivers who know where the best clubs are and for being so damned cool. I quickly got through the security and made my way to the bar. The pulsating music was loud and relaxing, at least to me. It helped me forget and that was all I really wanted right now.

To forget.

I sat there drinking a long time, not really thinking about how much I was spending on this because it really didn't matter when you were out to drown yourself in something other than your thoughts. The world had just turned a bit woozy and that was when this really hot guy decided to sit down next to me and attempt conversation.
"Ooh," he whistled, eyeing the Deathly Hallows chain I was wearing,"Ten points to Griffindor."

I scoffed and took another shot. "I'm a Ravenclaw, actually."

"You know, when I said, "Accio sexy Ravenclaw" I didn't really think it would work.  Well, I'll be damned." he winked, shifting closer to me.

I didn't mind. After all, what was I going to do tomorrow anyway? Haden wouldn't be here till the day after. Might as well indulge in some game.

"Whoa, I'm not sure which position you play in Quidditch, but you must be a Keeper," I said, my lips inches away from his.

"Oh, I sure am. One night with me and they'll be calling you Moaning Myrtle." he grinned, pressing his lips against my neck and shifting my body so I was partly sitting on him. Well, I'd heard that one before, but this guy was basically asking me to bed and I'd be damned if I didn't give in to his Harry Potter references.

"Are you sure or is it just the Butterbeer speaking?" I laughed.

"It's just me, baby doll." he whispered against my ear.

The next morning I woke up with the usual - headache, nausea and intense kung fu skills. My first instinct was to look around to see if the place was familiar, and to my relief, I was in my hotel suite alright. Hangover survival tip by Nick Hale #1, check.

Next, I walked (read: groped around for furniture to drag my body across) to the minibar where I got a bottle of water and stumbled into the bathroom where I knew the first aid kit was.

After ten minutes of harsh breathing and throwing up, I managed to pop in some Tylenol and get my bearings. I was sat in my bathroom with my top on - thankfully - but I wasn't really wearing anything underneath and I groaned because the last thing I wanted Haden to know was that I'd hooked up with some random guy in a random city I flew to. Fortunately, I had a diaphragm fitted so whether or not this guy used protection I wouldn't be pregnant. Credits: Logan.

Okay, now to go out to see what fish I'd reeled in last night. I walked out of the bathroom after I'd wrapped a towel around me, hoping that the guy didn't wake up yet so I could have a good look at him and debate on whether I should take him for breakfast or not.

I was nice like that, okay.

So I tip-toed across the room, careful not to wake him up. If he wasn't breakfast-treat worthy, I'd get back in bed, take a sleeping pill, and by the time I woke up the guy would have cleared off. It saves me a lot of time, and awkward talking. Fortunately for me, close to all the boys I've slept with are fuck boys so they just leave as fast as they can.

This guy slept with the covers over his face and that made it difficult for me to see it. I slowly tugged at the sheets so that I could see his face, but as soon as I saw it I wished I could break the glass wall of my suite and jump off it.

It was Hilton, goddamn it.

Hi guys!

Okay, I'm sorry for the cliffhanger (not really)!

Plus, I had a few things to say, and that is, one: you guys are awesome and you guys are the reason I write. Thank you so much for encouraging me!

Two: Once this book is over, I will be revising, rewriting and retelling this story. The plot and the characters will remain the same but it will be better written, with lesser plotholes and unnecessary characters. There might be lesser chapters too, but apart from that, WPAP will be the same story.

Three: This chapter is dedicated to Dopession because he's a loser and should not be associated with me ever but he is and now I'm doomed.

All the love,
A x

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