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Chapter Nineteen

Zee called up to check on me as I went about buying things for myself and the boys, and randomly spending my money on souvenirs and Micheal Bublé bobbleheads.

I told him about everything, about Hilton, about Sarah, about Mark, while he listened, sighing every now and then to remind me that he was still listening and thought that I was a fool.

He hung up on me soon enough, saying he had work when it was pretty clear that he wanted me to sort it out on my own, because I'd brought this upon myself. Sometimes I respected Zee for that. The other four boys constantly babied me, and spoilt me in every way possible - and so did Zee, but he knew when I had to stand up for myself, unlike the others who were always trying to play Captain America.

Around evening I decided to get some food, because I'd been out in the streets since early afternoon, and food never hurt no one.

I didn't feel like eating fancy, nor did I want to eat bagels, so I walked into Bon Soir, this pizza place which looked pretty good to me. And dude, pizza.

I walked in, taking in the pleasant atmosphere of the place. A little bell announced my entrance as I opened the door, making a waitress standing nearby smile at me warmly. I like this place already.

I sat down, just sighing and smiling to myself. It had been a long time since I had nothing to worry about, and the soft noise of pencil on paper, soft voices and the smell of pizza made me feel all serene. I had the sudden urge to call for some herbal tea and a massage.

I looked around, just sort of enjoying the calm when I caught a glimpse of the person sitting in front of me.

In that moment, all the peace and serenity and calmness was out of me in a flash.




She seemed to be very preoccupied with her phone. I wondered what it would take for me to take the butter knife on the table and maybe stab her in the back of her neck. After a moment of reflection on the topic, I came to two conclusions - one, I will one hundred percent go to jail. And two, I didn't hate her enough to kill her.

I didn't even know at this point if I should hate her, but the Regina George part of me was just putting every reason to hate her out in the open. But even then, I felt like I shouldn't hate her - she used to be my best friend. That kind of bond is kind of really hard to just rub off, but it is just as hard to fix it once it's broken. I didn't think it was broken yet. Or maybe it was just from my side, from hers there was nothing left of the friendship we had before.

It didn't help that she was stupid git. She made all the wrong decisions, and when she realized she was wrong she would try to make things better by just creating more problems. She should have known that Hilton was a huge jackass, but Sarah being Sarah would just about follow him to Mars. She could never listen to anything bad about him. And now that he had cheated on her, she'd be scrambling to get back with Mark.

It was how it worked with her, every single time. History repeats itself, if I might.

Sometimes I hated that I was friends with people who's first priority in life were boys. Sometimes I wondered if that was just a side effect of living with five grown men.

But my inner Regina was beginning to gain control over my body and before I knew it, I was up and storming put the door.

Sad part: I didn't make it out the door. As soon as I dragged the door open, I felt a hand on my arm. I turned around, rolling my eyes, because I already knew who it was.

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