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"What?! What are you doing here?" yelled Sarah.

I was shocked as hell, and that question only got a horrified stare in return.

"What are you doing here, Sarah?" I asked finally, when I started to regain my power of speech which the God Almighty had bestowed upon me.

(I dunno. Had to say it.)

(In my head, at least.)

(Trust me, I'm not mad.)

(....says every mad person ever.)

Sarah stared at me for a long while. Her eyes had always been transparent, calculating, and judgemental. But for the first time ever, I saw desperation in them - pure panic and desperation.

"Take me to the airport. I need to get to Paris." she said, her voice steely.

"I'm sorry?" I croaked. So much for trying to act normal.

"Airport, Avery. Take me to the damned airport." she almost yelled, before realizing what she was doing and shrinking back into her seat.

"No." I said, biting my lip. I'd never, ever said no to Sarah. She'd always been my weakness, my soft spot. I never could bring the word out of my mouth in front of her. It was almost as if..she muted the word.

"What?" she asked, squinting her eyes.

"I won't take you there, Sarah. You need to go back. Why are you even running away?!" I asked her, losing my cool.

Sarah looked away. I'd never seen her back away before, so this was surprising to me. Sure, she was sensitive and all, but she never backed away.

"Sarah?" I pushed.

"It's nothing. Now will you take me to the airport or not?" she said, gritting her teeth.

"No, not unless you tell me why you're running away when you have a wedding this week. Oh wait, your wedding." I said, my voice gaining strength.

"You won't?" asked Sarah, her eyes reflected the same fire which burned in her from when I met her.

"No." I said firmly. She needed to get some senses knocked into her.

"Fine." she said and got out before I could say anything. She started to sprint and reached a good distance before starting to walk again.

I rolled my eyes and put my car into reverse when a thought struck me.

The road to the airport was pretty lonely, especially at this time of the night. What if something happened to her?

What if she got hit by a moving truck?

What if she got into a hit-and-run?

What if she got raped?!

What if she got lost?

What if she met a movie star along the way?

I had to be there for her, no matter what sort of stupid decisions she made. That's what I was there for.

I took my car out of reverse and went after her, slowing down and stopping a few paces in front of her.

"Get in," I said, unlocking the door.

Sarah looked at me cautiously before stepping in. She looked at me while I took to the road, convincing myself that this was a good idea.

"You said you were going to Paris, right?" I asked, after a moment.

"Uh, yeah," said Sarah, frowning.

"You won't go alone." I finalized.

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