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Dan and Phil stared at me when I dropped the fork in my hand with a loud clatter on my plate.

I couldn't handle it.

So she runs away from her own wedding to be with someone else? Couldn't she just break it up with Mark and get on with Hilton?

And fucking Hilton, for God's sake. You'd think she had more standards.

I couldn't let them see me here. I had to go. I was about to hastily stuff all my stuff into my handbag when I felt two pairs of eyes boring into me in utter confusion.

"Avery, are you alright? You look like you're about to lose your fücking marbles." said Dan.

"Language, Dan!" spat Phil, blushing furiously. That, of course, was Dan's cue for swearing every three words.

"Avery, what the fu-" said Dan before Phil slapped him for almost swearing. I loved how attuned they were to each other, how each one knew what and when the other was going to say something.

We used to be like that. Me and Sarah - we just did life together for so long I physically felt her absence all these years. Sure, the boys had come along and patched up the hole she'd left in her wake but the stitches were loosely held and I wanted nothing more than to get her back. Some people just never understood how friendship ran so deep, so I finally gave up trying to find her or talk about her again.

Now that I was watching the two boys in front of me bicker harmlessly, so blissfully unaware how well they fit; how well they just seemed to know what the other was thinking and completed each other's sentences, it just brought back so many memories of me and Sarah - little, meaningless ones too, like the one time we made up a weird dance move in class and the time we decided that her and I could marry Fred and George Weasley just because we could - and it hit me hard.

Phil quickly got up from his chair and kneeled down next to me as I wrapped my arms around me, a silent sob escaping my lips.

"Hey, hey, Avery," soothed Dan, though you could tell by the slight wavering in his voice that he didn't really know what else to do.

Phil on the other hand, held my hands while I composed myself, before nodding at Dan. He understood and called their driver, whispering for him to come quickly.

"Ave, do you want us to come with you to your place?" whispered Phil, as he looked at me, concerned.

"No, thanks, Phil. I don't want to bother you guys more tonight. I've been a mess and I apologize," I said in a small voice.

"We'll just drop you back at your hotel, then, Avery," said Phil, a bit uncertainly, "Are you sure you'll be fine?"

"Yeah, Phil. Thank you so much." I said, closing my eyes before another flood of tears hit me.

Dan was done paying for the food - even thought I frowned at him and tried to pay - and Phil ushered me out of the door, making sure that Sarah and Hilton didn't see me. They were frozen for a second too when I told them why I was so shocked, but they totally understood (Dan wanted to show his understanding of the situation so much he offered to poison their food, but Phil was so appalled that Dan smiled sheepishly and attempted to kiss him) and dropped me back to my hotel.

"You sure you'll be fine, Avery?" pressed Dan for the millionth time.

"Yes, Dan, I will," I chuckled lightly. All the way here, both Dan and Phil kept me distracted by telling me wierd anecdotes - or Danecdotes, because they were way  cooler, apparently - and just keeping me in high spirits.

"Promise?" asked Phil, his eyes still uncertain.

"Yes, Phil, I promise," I laughed, "Good night, guys, and thank you for everything tonight."

"It's okay, Ave. We're leaving the day after, but we'll be in New York soon for the YouTube fan fest so I need your face to be present there." said Phil, smiling softly.

"I will! Thanks again, you guys," I smiled and waved them goodbye. They were just so goddamned nice.

I really appreciated that they didn't ask any questions about why I'd randomly started crying, and they just concentrated on trying to make me smile. Sometimes I just wanted that.

So it was no surprise that as soon as I reached my room, everything just came back to me in flashes and I sighed, letting my sobs wreck havoc in my head.

I hated that cared. I think that's what made it hurt to most. I hated that after all this while she never had a single thought about me while I'd think of her a lot, sometimes wasting huge amounts of time trying to see if I could find her.

Most of all, I hated that our friendship never meant anything to her. It was just a phase to her, or as she put it in her own fucking words - four years of talking about crushes.

I had to get out of this.

She'd forgotten.

Hell, she didn't even try to remember.

Maybe it was all just me, thinking that I really did have someone who'd have my back and be my anchor, but turns out she was just playing her game, in her own pace  in her own time. I didn't matter to her. Hell, maybe I never mattered to her.

She'd forgotten, and I would too, just not yet, just not without revenge.

So this update is for a friend [I think?] , who's a jerk and a fücking loser, but our friendship was literally created on deals and bets and weird conversations, and now maybe I think I can safely say that he's a friend xD

I hope you're having a good day/night, and if you want to come say hello, or give me any sort of inputs on my books, all my social media links are up in my bio.

All the love,
A x

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