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"I'm going to sleep," Sarah announced.

"Whatever," I said, sitting down on my bed and opening my laptop. I had to talk to the boys. Haden would be home by now. He'd texted me to tell me that he'd gone back to New York, for some random reason which only Haden Skye knew.

"Can you keep the volume down? I can't sleep with all the noise," she said, pulling the covers up to her shoulder.

I rolled my eyes but didn't reply. I Skyped Logan and waited for him to pick up. And sure enough, he picked up within three rings.

"Where in fυcκίηg hell were you?" he shouted as soon as he saw my face on the screen.

"Well, hello to you too," I said.

The other boys gathered around when they heard Logan shouting colourful words at me.

" . . . you gave us a motherfυcκίηg heart attack! Do you have any idea? Oh, of course not! You were busy running away with random people!" he shouted.

I turned to look at Sarah who was now sitting bolt upright in her bed, hearing Logan's outburst.

"We were so worried about you! Why aren't you saying anything? Are you kidnapped? How many people are there? How much money do they want?" questioned Logan. He was clearly flustered.

"Logan, Logan," I cooed, smiling guiltily, "I'm alright. Don't worry. You remember Sarah right? I'm here with her."

Logan seemed to calm down a bit, but he still looked worried off his mind.

"Are you eating properly, bird?" asked Haden, taking the laptop from Logan.

"Yeah, H. I am." I answered.

"You out of clothes yet?" asked Nick. Sarah stared at me like Nick was crazy. I rolled my eyes at her which resulted in her scoffing at me.

"No, I still have clothes. I do my laundry, unlike you." I answered Nick. The boys kept asking me about whether I was sleeping properly, whether I took my vitamins and whether I'd gotten my period, at which point Sarah glared daggers at me and walked out the door.

"Who was that?" asked Zee.

"That was Sarah," I said, pursing my lips.

"Why did she walk out?" asked Luke.

"She's been like that," I said, sighing. "She doesn't like the fact that I brought her here, or that I knew where she was, actually."

"But I thought you said you guys were best friends," said Nick, "Why aren't you guys being all friendshipy? Or isn't that how it works with girls?"

"No, Nick, she isn't like all the others. Things work different for her. I go with it. I'll be back to New York soon. Sarah's friend is coming to pick her up in three days." I said.

"Just be safe, bird." said Haden.

"Stop worrying, H." I smiled.

"Listen to him for once," said Logan. I grinned at the boy and nodded.

Luke was about to say something when Sarah barged back into the room, frowning.

"Done talking with your boyfriends? Unlike you, some of us would like some sleep," she said.

I shook my head and sighed.

"I'll call you tomorrow, boys. Someone here has got their panties in a twist," I smirked.

"Watch your words," growled Sarah.

"Anyway, I'll talk to you later. I love you all," I said, turning back to my laptop and choosing to ignore Sarah.

"We love you too, Ave," the boys chorused, before adding in a little message of their own.

"Stay out of trouble, bird!" said Haden.

"Use protection, junkie," said Zee, laughing. "I am serious."

"Try not to die!" said Logan.

"Eat your pills! Everyday! No excuses!" said Luke.

"And remember that we love you, cupcake," said Nick.

"I love you!" I said.

"We love you more!" they chorused.

"I love you most." I said and wave at the camera. I cut the call and closed my laptop, still smiling.

At least I knew I had someone to fall back on. I had to deal with this woman only till I figured something out with her, and. . . . only God knows how long that would be.

I tucked my laptop back into my handbag, and got under the sheets, Sarah texting someone next to me.

"Lost your sleep?" I asked.

"Yeah, thank you." she said sarcastically.

"You're welcome." I said. I had wanted to make some small talk with her but she wasn't really giving me much room for speech.

"So," I said. "Why'd you come here?"

"I'd ask you the same thing," she said, not taken her eyes off her phone screen.

"C'mon now, don't be a bítch. What's the deal?" I asked her.

"Go to sleep, Avery. It's not anything." she said, with an air of finality. So much for trying to make conversation.

"Ugh, fine. Be that way." I said.

I don't know when I slept that night, but I went to sleep thinking of what would happen the next day and the possible reasons for Sarah's getaway.

She was probably planning something special for her husband here in Paris. Or a surprise for her honeymoon! How could I not have thought about this? I wanted to slap myself. I thought she was running away from her wedding. I'm so stupid, yo. Shoutout to all my homies out there.

I had to apologize for my errant behavior. I'd have to do it in the morning.


Woo-hoo for double updates!
You guys have been crazy. Thanks a lot for letting WPAP get to 1k! Best. People. Ever.

What's your favorite line from the story? Or your favourite character? What do you like about them?

Talk to me sometime!

All the love,
A x

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