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Chapter Three

“Oi, Ave!”

I turned around only to get hit in the face by a sock. Luke just laughed next to me as I stood there fuming. It was our turn to do the laundry, and Logan thought it was funny to return the favour that I so gratefully did to him last week when it was his turn.

“Don’t come at me, I warned you.” Logan grinned and sprinted away towards Nick and Haden, both of who were looking up holiday packages on Logan’s beat up DELL laptop.

It’s not like he couldn’t afford to buy a new one, he was too lazy to actually go and buy one. When he heard that Nick bought one online, he claimed that the laptop had served him faithfully all these years and it would by a shame by far to just give it away.

And as was custom in our house when it came to Logan, nobody questioned it.

“So we leave on the tenth of December, celebrate Avery and Logan and Jesus’s birthday in Hawaii, come home on the thirtieth and celebrate New Year’s back in New York. How’s that?” announced Haden.

There was collective murmur of agreement.

“So,” Nick said a little quietly, “When are we going shopping?”

Haden sighed and laughed loudly, making us all look at him weird.

“I thought you’d never ask, bitches.”


Long story short, Haden had this whole thing planned down to a T. He wouldn’t let anything but anything that wasn’t “Hawaii-related” like some sort of vacation-crazed maniac, and he wouldn’t let anyone pick anything that he did not approve of.

“H, please, I just want this one t-shirt, man,” Luke sighed heavily as Haden grabbed the piece of clothing from him.

“Luke, it’s got Star Lord on it for God’s sake!” Haden chucked it out of sight. “It could at least be Drax. You know, tree and shit.”

Luke stared at him.

“Have you even watched Guardians Of The Galaxy?” he asked.

“No, but does it matter? Tree’s a tree. That’s it, now, chop chop.”

Luke gave me a look that reminded me of a kicked puppy.

“Ave!” Haden yelled. “What are you doing just standing there?”

“I already picked my clothes,” I said timidly. “Logan said they were fine.”

“Well, Logan’s an idiot, you have to run this through me.” Haden crossed his arms in front of me.

I showed him the contents of my shopping cart that consisted of oversized t-shirts, twenty one pilots merch and ice-cream.

“Are you going to Hawaii without any pants, darling?” Haden asked, his voice poisonously sweet.

“No…” I trailed off.

“Then why,” he yelled, “Have you not picked any?!”

“I own loads of pants, H.” I said, narrowing my eyes.

“But they’re not good enough! Go pick your swimming suits! And your underwear! And a dress!”

“A dress?” Luke asked. “We’re going to Hawaii, not the Queen’s birthday party.”

Haden glared at him.

“You! You and the boys are coming with me tomorrow. We’re going suit shopping.”

With that, Haden jabbed two fingers at us and walked off to find Logan, Zee and Nick.

“What in the world was that?” Luke stared after Haden. “And a suit? What, what is happening right now?”

“I think he’s officially lost it,” I shook my head. “Anyway, if he’s gonna pay for it, can you help me pick a dress?”



There was no mistaking Logan’s voice from the dressing rooms.

Haden and the boys had gone suit shopping but I’d “dropped by”, meaning I’d said I was gonna go buy groceries but actually followed them.

I mean, if you’re gonna be a stalker anyway, you’ve got to start somewhere, right?

No? Okay.

Now Haden and I were sitting on a wonderfully fluffy couch while the others tried out their suits.

“Come out, Logan.” I said.

“No, I swear to all the Gods, these pants are digging into my ballsack –”

Haden, Zee and I went “Language!” before the staff heard it and kicked us all out. We already looked like we  had no business there, going in wearing Adidas hoodies, worn out Vans and Nick in an Arsenal jersey.

Only Haden seems to be dressed generally normally, and he had all his suits from this store, so at least one of us knew what they were doing. It wasn’t like the others didn’t own suits, they had one set that they wore everywhere. Considering we all hardly stepped out of the house except to work or random club nights, suits were never an issue.

“Haden, I swear I’m not wearing this, this is too damn tight.” Logan whined.

“Fine,” Haden rolled his eyes and turned to the store staff. “Could you get something else for him, please? Same colour, though.”

Luke was done first, because fortunately the colour matched my dress and Haden approved. The other three, on the other hand, were a handful of disappointments.

Haden originally wanted Logan’s colour to complement the colour of my dress, which was a pretty turquoise-and-gold but tangerine was out of the question and sea blue made Logan look like a sea creature.

Nick looked great in his cream coloured suit but he stood there so awkwardly that it made Luke uncomfortable just watching him.

Zee refused to take off his jeans and settled on a gold blazer that took out the entire point of going suit shopping.
Logan finally settled on black because Ave it goes with everything and Zee was ready to kick Haden out of our house buck naked onto the streets by the end of the whole ordeal.

Haden drove us all home tired and complaining, especially by Logan, who would not shut up about the first suit making him infertile.

“…and it hurt, you bitch! I physically heard my children screaming for help.” Logan commented.

Haden merely shrugged and let him continue while the others just sat there eating ice cream that Zee had demanded Haden buy for them, for putting them through this.


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