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Paris is one place that will legit knock the breath out of you no matter how many times you've been there.

I've experienced that first hand and whoa, this place will have your stomach constantly in knots and have you longing for the boyfriend you never had.

True, spending three hours in the airplane with a fuming woman and bad candy did lower your spirits a bit but Paris never failed to amaze me.

"I've to go to the bathroom," said Sarah once we got our baggage. My baggage was only my handbag and a duffel bag in which I kept my spare clothes, reminding me that I had to buy a lot of stuff from here in foreign currency. "I told you that just in case you wanted to follow me there too." She scoffed.

"Ugh, fine, just go." I said. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and tried to bring myself to call Haden. I never, ever hesitated to call him. I remembered the time I got my period in the middle of recess and I forgot to bring my pads. So I called up Haden and the sad guy had to go up to the nurse's room, get me a pad, and enter unnoticed into the girls' washroom and hand it to me.

So you see how deep we run.

Finally, I decided against calling him. Besides, I had other things to think about. For starters, why the fück did Sarah run away from her own wedding, who the fück was she meeting, why the fück was she taking so much time, and where the fück do you get a cup of good Yorkshire tea around here.

I shoved my phone back in my pocket, huffing and just generally being cranky. Sarah came back adjusting her Hello Kitty t-shirt and being flustered as usual.

"So now that we're here," I said, my voice clearly containing the bucket of annoyance that I wanted to dump on her face. "What's the plan?"

"What's the plan?" she frowned. "You're the one who dragged me all the way here!"

"Excuse me? You'd be alone here, then!" I yelled.

"I wanted to be alone, thank you very much!" Sarah yelled back.

I was going to throw some nice meat back at her when I noticed this old woman staring at me like I'd just stabbed her husband in front her while doing some sort of voodoo dance.

"Ugh, we'll come back to this, lets get out of here," I spat, grabbing Sarah's hands and dragging her out of the airport. I knew a guy who lived here, so I could call him up and ask him about some places to stay till me and Sarah decided what to do and talked things out.


"Yeah, thanks, Caspar. Love you. Bye." I quickly hang up and turn towards Sarah who's sulking beside me as usual.

"There's a hotel close by," I said, trying to put my phone in the back pocket of my jeans and failing miserably. Nobody's got a clue how many this has happened to me. My jeans are always so skinny that they're basically sprayed on to my legs and makes its hard for me to put anything in it's pockets.

Sarah scoffed. "We'll be sharing. Yay." she said. I rolled my eyes at her. If I was going to say with her for the next week, I'll probably roll my eyes so much they'll get stuck in another dimension.

"No. I don't want to be hearing your whines, I'll get another room, Jesus Christ." I said. I need to get some tea. Right now.

Once I finished trying to make the french cab driver understand where I wanted to go using my terrible french which I studied back in grade school, we sat back and ignored each other's existence till we reached the hotel.

So much for best friendship.

What Caspar said was a "clean-cut, pretty hotel" turned out to be a seven-star luxury hotel which was certainly not what I had in mind. I could afford it, surely, but I wasn't sure if Sarah could as she was "running away".

"Should we..?" I asked Sarah, turning towards her for the first time since we got into the vehicle.

"Yeah, you have any problem?" she asked.

"Uh, no, I just - never mind." I said, frowning.

"Yeah, lets go." she said. We paid the driver and walked into the hotel. As soon as I reached the reception I knew I made a bad decision when the lady behind the table looked at me like I was some sort of drunk hobo.

I patted my tank top down self-consciously, wondering if it was too late to go back out and find a public bathroom where I could change.

"We'd like two rooms, please," said Sarah, obviously not noticing or choosing to ignore the woman.

"Sorry, we're all booked tonight, we have only one room left." she said, her voice surprisingly mellow and not high-pitched and bitchy like I thought it would be.

What? Only one room? What was this? Some kind of One Direction fanfiction where me and Harry Styles were arch enemies and were forced to spend the night together due to some totally predictable calamity and fall in love in one night in the hotel room? Please don't ask me how I know that.

"Uh, that's fine, we'll take it." said Sarah, surprisingly calmly for someone who was trying to act like I had herpes all the way here.

"That'll be £950, please." she said, her voice still mellow, but now it had that underlying tone that said - lets see how you take the price.

Sarah whipped out her card and handed it over to the woman. I was about to offer her mine when Sarah held me back. "Mine's a international credit card - converts the currency as I pay, doesn't charge the extra tax. It's useful because I travel too much for my liking." she said plainly.

"Oh." I said. I never really went to other countries. I always took either Haden or Luke whenever I had to, because of two reasons: one, they were warm and comfy and always let me cuddle into them while the other three thought I was too manly to "cuddle and do all that poo", two, they travelled a lot, too, and they usually paid for me.

I felt stupid at that moment, because I was just sort of standing there while other well-dressed men and women walked past me. Their hairdo probably cost more than my entire outfit.

"Your room number is 1010, here's your key," said the woman, who had now lost that undertone and was acting perfectly casual. "Charlie will take your bags up and show you your room. Thank you for staying with Keys."

The bellhop Charlie helped my handbag and Sarah's one bag up the elevator to the tenth floor, while I carried the duffel bag and showed us our room. It was exquisitely decorated, and there was one bed, thanks to the cliché gods above.

This was going to be one long night.

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