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Chapter Seventeen

Okay, now would be a good time to grab whatever decent clothes I had and run out the door before he woke up. Hopefully, by the time I came back, he'd be gone.

I put on a pair of jeans, pulled on a this really cool jacket I'd gotten which had the the number 9 and 3/4 written at the back, and tiptoed out the door, closing the door softly behind me. Ten steps into the corridor and I realized that I'd taken no money, and worse - I was still wearing my bunny slippers. In my defense, they were on sale and they were grey, I had to buy it.

Groaning and smacking myself in the head, I walked back to the room, slowly opening the door and grabbing my purse and my boots in a flash and bolting out in a similar fashion.

My head was spinning. How much alcohol did I drink for me to sleep with Hilton? Sometimes I'm so stupid I want to shape my stupidity into a knife and run into it repeatedly.

I wandered through the lobby of the hotel, asking the bellhop where the café was so I could get some tea and peace.

The café was such a pretty place I could stay there forever. It was done up all woody and warm, and I instantly sank into one of the cozy seats in the corner that seem to shut everything and everybody out.

I ordered some Yorkshire tea and crumpets, and sat there surfing Twitter for a long while. At least it took my mind off sleeping with Hilton for a while. It's not that Hilton wasn't hot or wasn't good in bed; it was just that I'd added another variable into this equation that I didn't even want to solve.

So now, Sarah was running away with Hilton, even though no one was forcing her to marry Mark, it was her own decision. And now I'd gone and slept with Hilton. Sarah would never, ever forgive me.

As if on cue, Sarah stormed into the café, her stride purposeful and mean.

"One pumpkin spice latte, extra hot with a shot of expresso." she said to the barista, slamming some money onto the counter. I smiled inwardly because both of us loved our lattes extra hot with a shot of expresso. It had been a thing since highschool. 

She picked her coffee off the counter and sat down on the closest table. I watched from behind the menu as she took out her phone and dialled a number. 

"Hello?" she said, her voice wavering.

The person on the side must've been Mark, and he must've been yelling at her, because she quickly broke down in tears and began to apologize furiously.

"Mark, I love you, please don't do this to me," she pleaded, wiping her tears on her sleeve.

I put the menu down and frowned in her direction. She ran away from Mark and now she was telling him that she loved him? Talk about been two-faced as hell. Now I was sort of glad that I never kept in contact with her. I'd rather have no friends than one that would lie to me on a regular basis.

I made a sour face as she continued to apologize and confess her love for him. But what Mark didn't know was that she ran away for Hilton, all he knew was that she ran away from their wedding. He didn't know the reason and for some reason I felt like he didn't want to know.

If he was a good guy, I felt sorry for him. He didn't deserve to go through this.

I decided that it was time to leave out the back door when I saw Sarah hanging up and look around. I don't know what she was looking for, but I was already standing and her eyes fell on me almost immediately.

"Avery!" she yelled, scurrying towards me faster than I thought one could move in those stilettos.

"Sarah." I sighed, looking at her with a black face.

"Oh, I'm so glad you're here," she said, attacking me in a hug and gripping me so tightly I thought I'd cracked a few ribs.

"Yeah, me too," I mumbled, still not hugging her back, waiting till she finished sobbing into my jacket.

"You won't believe what happened - I don't even know what to do - I'm so messed up," she sobbed, still clutching my clothes like her life depended on it.

"What did happen?" I asked her, trying to keep a neutral expression.

She didn't know.

"Hilton - he, ah, well, he's my - never mind, I don't know what to do, Ave!" she stammered, hugging me again.

"Is he the guy you came here for?" I asked her.

She pulled away and looked at me for a moment, before nodding her head and bursting into a new flood of tears.

"I thought he loved me, Ave, I really did - I thought he loved me more than Mark did - I was such a fool," she said, her voice so broken I almost felt bad for her for a minute. "He's such a dick, I tell you, he cheated on me with some random skank he found last night."


It's my birthday, you guys!
Your home girl's finally 16, lol xD
All the love x
A x

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