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I'd called the boys last night and cried so much Zee almost walked away from the conversation. Not because he was fed up of me bawling me eyes out, it was because he was the only one who couldn't stand seeing someone else in pain and if it was me he just couldn't take it.

I found that out four years ago when I dated this useless moron - Yael, his name was - for like two years before he decided that it was a brilliant idea to cheat on me. I literally walked in on him and it was possibly the worst moment in my life until the past few days happened. I was crying and Nick and Logan tried to comfort me while Luke ran to the store to get me ice cream and Oreo. Zee, on the other hand, was sat in his room pretending to listen to loud 80s rock, which Nick quickly figured out was just a cover for his sniffling.

In the end Logan persuaded him to come outside and eat ice cream with me. We all camped outside in our garden and had some roasted marshmallows and wine, and I didn't even remember why I was crying the night before. This was literally the best things the boys did for me, and I'd always be greatful to them.

Back on the topic, I told the boys everything, and we all sat around discussing what I should be doing. Haden had called up Mark, who was absolutely freaked out and also livid. He was convinced that someone had kidnapped her, or worse.

"He and his friend - don't know his name - are setting up a search party for her," said Haden, as soon as he got off the phone with Mark. "He says wherever that - uh, that - Logan, could you say the b-word for me, please?"

I giggled. Haden never swore, and often told Logan off for his dirty language.

"Bítch," smirked Logan.

"Yeah. He says that wherever she was, he'd find her and when he did, it wouldn't be a good sight." he said.

"Will he hurt her?" I asked, with a small voice.

"Well, it wouldn't really matter, because she's a bitch and she hurt you, and nobody hurts my princess," said Logan.
Haden frowned at Logan but let it drop. Luke, on the other hand, was appalled.

"Logan!" he shrieked. "You can't just say that! I'm sure even after whatever has happened, Avery doesn't want Sarah to get hurt!"

He was right. She hoped Mark wouldn't hurt Sarah even after all she did. She just hoped Sarah had the decency to tell him what she did. He deserved to know, and he deserved somebody better.

"Yeah, Luke's right. I don't want her hurt, Logan." I said.

Logan's expression now changed into something more than the over protective best friend façade he was putting up - sadness?

"Ave, princess," he sighed. "You need to understand that she's moved on. She's not your best friend anymore. I hope you realize that."

I opened my mouth to say something but Haden beat me to it.

"So you're saying that she shouldn't care for her?" he spat suddenly, making the other three boys look at him in shock.

"Yes, H," said Logan calmly, his expression still.

"She loves Sarah, Logan. Even after all these years, their friendship still means something to her. Doesn't that account for anything?" asked Haden, his eyes reflecting betrayal so deep I could see it through the computer screen.

"Not after all she's done to her," stated Logan flatly. I quickly realized that this conversation had nothing to do with me and Sarah. And by the looks on the other boys' faces I'm sure they got that too.

"She can't see her get hurt, Logan," said Haden, his voice wavering and mellow now, his eyes shining with tears that threatened to spill any second.

"Well, then, its her fücking fault." spat Logan, getting up and walking out of the room, with Haden following him out a minute later. There was no noise, and Nick, who was silent this whole time, got up to check.

"Cupcake," whispered Luke,"look here. I don't want you to worry about what happens here, okay? We'll handle this. In the mean time.."

He picked up Haden's phone and unlocked it. He quickly typed out a message, and soon enough, Haden's voice filled the quiet suite I was sitting in.

"Here. That's Mark's phone number. Look, cupcake, I saw that look in your face and I knew that you wanted him to know. Personally, I think it's a poor idea, but there's not much you can do. If you're sure about it. . . go ahead." said Luke.

I nodded, not saying anything. I didn't really trust myself to speak. Luke knew that and he offered me a weak smile, and said goodbye.

"Be safe, cupcake," he added. "I can't lose you."

Three hours and some hard alcohol later, I decided to call Mark. I don't care if he didn't know me. He had every right to know.

Logan's words from earlier came back to me thunderously as I pressed call. She didn't deserve to be cared for. I didn't regret this.

Not after all she's done to me.

The call was accepted on the other end and I braced myself for that deep voice I'd have to talk to. Instead, the voice that came in from the other side made my eyes widen to the size of Texas.

"Hello? Is anybody there? This is Yael, Mark's not available at the moment."

My ex boyfriend.

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