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This is an update on my life, pretty important if you are one of those people dying for an update on Aqua Jackson.

So as most of you know by now Im a rambler so sorry in advance if i go on and on. Anyways first off RUDE COMMENTS! Lately there are people cursing and telling me I suck because I focused more on the movie than the book and telling me im dumb because its so poorly written. Some people are saying that there sorry later that it was their "rage" welp I really dont care. First of You dont like my writing DONT READ IT! No one is forcing you! Second Aqua jackson was started like 3, 4 years ago maybe longer and has NEVER been edited! So either get over it or shut up. Third some of your language gods didnt your parents teach you not to say things like that?!

I will be deleting ALL rude comments from now on and will most likely report you to wattpad. Why? A) im sick of seeing the rude comments B) If you dont have anything nice to say, leave. Thank you to those of you who report comments like that some of you have actually gotten them deleted before i could see them so thank you.

Next item on the agenda, "Fans" "Followers" whatever you guys wanna call yourselves. You know maybe you guys could be called "Shiners"? ;) ;) because the name i go by is "Lila Ariel Shine" tell me what you think about that in the comments or on my feed :) Okay anyways, my Shiners ;) So I love how some of you are just totally loyal i could not update for months and youll wait youll still love me if i misspell something, etc. Believe it or not some of my Shiners ;) have actually reached out to me on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Kik, etc and have told me how big of fans they are and I just I cant believe that. All i ever wanted was to get the creativeness i have on paper, i wanted to do something with my imagination and you guys not only let me do that but you support me and some of you just go and find me and express how much of fans you are i cant even believe it. 300+ followers! Holy Hephaestus howd that happen?! Plus Aqua Jackson #1 has like 81.1k (probably not right but you get my point) reads?! What?!? I am just honored. I still want to be an author but as im getting closer to graduating high school without a laptop to write with its very difficult. If you dont know, Im a Junior in high school, Im 17 years old as of March 13. I am expected to graduate next year. I am also running my own Etsy shop that will mostlikely take off very very soon. Am I psychic? No. But I know that a friend of mine is a shop owner herself and has bought one of my pieces and is going to post it to her tens of thousands of followers when she gets it so yea. I must prepare myself 😂 Trust me I love you all but you might not see me for a while hopefully Ill have a laptop by the next time we speak and ill be writing like a crazy person! My point is if you reach out to me to tell me something like "im your #1 fan" etc. I am truly honored! But dont be upset if i dont answer you i dont even have a social life anymore 😭

If you didnt know, ive been selling to authors and other sellers lately. Including Angela Darlings best friend who gave the book bracelet as a gift to Angela. Who can say their friends with an upcoming published author? I can! 😄 if you dont know who angela is you should really look into her especially if you like the horror genre.

If you want to fund my laptop and get some pretty cool pieces you can check out my etsy shop Www.etsy.com/shop/TyllrsAwesomeShop

Thanks you guys for all your support! Love you! <3

Aqua Jackson, Daughter of Poseidonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن