Chapter 12: Not too bad after all

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Chapter 12: Not too bad after all

Paul took a bite out of his hamburger, as soon as he finished the bite, he broke the silence, "So Luke, where and when did you meet Aqua and Percy?"

Luke looked at me with his 'I got this.' face and spoke, "We all met at summer camp. Of course I knew Aqua's good friend, Annabeth and Percy's best friend, Grover who introduced me too them both. Percy's such a nice guy, always lookin' out for his sister, never likes to be called little man. And Sally," Luke looked at my mother who frowned at him, "she's such a good mother, cares about her children very much. Shed give her life for them, such a good woman, your quite lucky to have her, Paul."

I looked at my brother who had a look of disaprovement, then to my mother who was blushing, "Why thank you, Luke, your too kind."

Finally I looked at Paul who had a huge smile while he looked at my mother...

Luke reached for my hand and intertwined our fingers, "Miss Jackson." Luke said getting my mothers attention.

"Yes, Luke."

"I was wondering if Aqua and i could spend some time together after dinner... But if it's to much trouble, I don't want you to worry or..." Luke trailed off as my mother interrupted him...

"Oh no, it's no trouble at all Luke. Your more than welcome to come over."

Luke smiled sweetly, "Youd really let me come over?"

"Of course Luke, your Aquas boyfriend."

Luke smiled brightly as I giggled like an airhead cheerleader, "Thanks mom."

"Of course, Darling."

"Why are you letting him come over? He's such an evil bastard!" Percy cursed

"Now Percy, stop that."

"Aqua always gets her way, ever since you met her it's been... "When are you bringing Aqua home?" "How's your sister?" Aqua this, Aqua that! Haven't you ever thought about me, my feelings, I'm your kid too you know?" Percy yelled as he put his hands on that table, violently pushed himself up, and left out the front door...

What did Percy mean when he said she never really notices him anymore? Was that the reason Percy hated me inside? Eventhough he wouldnt admit it, I know he hates me... He was mommys little baby until I came along....

It's funny how one day, my brother and I can get along so well, yet the next is like being in hell... And by the way Percy has described hell, it's not very nice...

Percy just doesn't understand, I hate my mothers attention! I like to be alone. I want to be free. I want to be the hero. Percy has everything that I could ever want, but it's not enough for him, why?

My mother looked so hurt, "I need to talk to him..." She said

"Allow me, Miss Jackson." Luke spoke calmly as he stood from the table and walked out the front door.

Great, just great. I thought. They are going to kill eachother!

Luke's POV

"Okay cous, I know we both hate eachother, but you can't just sit out here and freeze. So Aqua is getting special treatment, who cares?..." I started

"I care! I care!" Percy cried

"Then talk to your mom about it..."

"I've tried, she doesn't listen. I bet you she hopes I'm the child of the three that holds the prophecy and dies!"

"Okay, I may hate you, and I might enjoy that... But your mother wouldn't want that..."

"And the stupid part is that Aqua doesn't see that mom is treating her differently."

"Percy, Aqua knows your mother is treating her like a princess compared to you, and she hates it! She's told me..."

"Why would she hate being mommys perfect kid?"

"First off, your mother won't let her out of her sight, she's always in her bussiness, if Aqua is reading a book your mother will read the same book, she doesn't let her do anything because she's afraid she'll get hurt, Aquas not used to being treated like that, and she hates it!"

I got the sence that someone was watching us, so I turned around to see Aqua with a 'Can I talk to him... Alone' look.

I nodded, got up and stood by the door where Aqua stood only seconds ago.

She put her Hand on his shoulder, "Percy, if you wanna be mommys boy, please, I begging you, be mommys boy! I swear if I hear, "Need some help with that sweetheart?", "Wanna come shopping with me?", or "Hey girl, are we going to the mall with whats her name?" I will kill myself!"

Percy choked on his laugh as Aqua punched his back with her left fist...

My cousin had a smile on his face, maybe he wasn't too bad after all...

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