Chapter 11: He's not my friend

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Chapter 11: He's not my friend

A woman with messy and curly black hair looked straight at us.

"Mom." I mumbled

She ran towards me and hugged me as tight as she could. My arms stayed glued to my sides as my mother cut my oxygen off. I moved my right hand, trying to at least let my arm free. Unfortunately my body felt num, but luckily my brother noticed that I was having trouble breathing and pulled my mother off of me.

I put my weight on a wall to the left as I grasped my neck with my right hand and started to breathe heavily.

As soon as I could breathe without weezing I yelled, "Damn. You. Have. A. Tight. Grip!"

"Sorry sweet heart. I missed you so much." My mother apologized

"Yeah, next time, a simple 'Welcome home.' would be nice."

Sally just smiled.

"Come on Aqua. No need to be sarcastic or rude." Percy told me

"Aw, come on Perce. Your no fun, I was just kidding," I paused to look at my mother, "but I do like breathing."

Sally laughed, "Sorry sweet heart."

I smiled slightly as a man that I didn't recognize walked in... Was he Paul?

My mother turned to see what I was looking at...

"Oh Paul, this is Aqua." She told the man and waved in my direction

"Hello Aqua. Are you one of Percys friends?"

"Um... Actually I'm his sister."

Paul looked at Sally with a confused look and pointed to me... "Yours?"

"Yes Paul, Percy and Aqua are twins." Sally explained

"Ahh... Will you be going to Goode with your brother?"

I tilted my head and gave Paul a confused look, "Excuse me?"

"... You didn't grow up in New York, did you?"

"Actually I did, but I never left the orphanage..."


Oh shit! Quick Aqua think of something... I could tell him my father is dead, but what if he visits? Oo... What about I tell him I ran away... Or I was kidnapped as a baby!

"I was very young when I had Percy and Aqua, their father could not take care of them, so I had to give one of them up for adoption... I didn't hear anything about her until last year, when Percy, his best friend, Grover, and their new friend Annabeth brought her here..." Sally explained, thankfully she stopped before she could get talking about monsters and the fact that my dad was a Greek god...

"Ahh, well Aqua," Paul paused and put his hand out, "it's nice to meet you."

I looked at his hand for what seemed like hours was only seconds, but I eventually took it.

"So Sally, has Percy been a good boy?" I laughed

"Oh gods Aqua, do you think your funny?"

"Hmmm... Let's me think about that," I put my fingers to my head in a 'I'm thinking' position, "Yes, Perce I am funny."


Paul decided it would be nice to take his girlfriend and her children to dinner at a nice restraint... I told him he didn't have to take me, I would be fine, but Sally and Percy forced me to go...

I think Percy thought I'd do something stupid... Like:

1. Jump off a cliff or the apartment building

2. Try to call Kronos... I hate that Bitch! And yes I called him a female dog, he wants to use my Lukey as a host!

3. Try dreaming with Luke... I'll do that tonight.

4. I'm basically the "problem child" so I could do anything and it would be wrong...

"So Aqua, where do you go to school?" Paul asked

I would have answered 'Homeschool.', but I turned my head to the entrance of the restraint and guess who I saw... Luke!

I started twiddling with my thumbs, "Um... Uh... I..."

"Are you alright Aqua, Honey?" Sally asked with a worried look...

"Yeah, fine. May I be excused?" I asked and without waiting for an answer I rushed to the entrance, grabbed Luke's arm, and walked to a corner of the restraint, where my mom, Percy, and Paul couldn't see us...

I kiss Luke on the cheek, "Luke," I looked around to make sure no one was watching us, "what are you doing here?"

"I was in town and thought I'd get some dinner," He winked at me "I know your brother doesn't trust us, especially together and your mother doesn't like me that much, but they won't blow my cover in front of Paul, and they know you love me..."

"Your point?" I asked with quite a confused look

"Would it be alright for me to have dinner with my cuddle bug and her family?"

I probably should have said 'No way in Hell! At least not until this war is over.' but his charm was too much for me, I melted like butter in his hand... "Sure, Luke."

He grabbed my hand and walked us over to Paul, Sally, and Percy...

"Mom, can Luke have dinner with us?" I asked as sweetly as possible

"Um... Aqua, Paul is pa..." Sally was interrupted by Luke, "I would pay for myself, I'm more than capable."

"Non scene, I'll pay for you. Any friend of Sally's, Percy's, or Aqua's is a friend of mine." Paul gave Luke a cheesy grin...

Luke pulled my chair out and sat on my right while Percy sat on my left mumbling, "He's not my friend."

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