Hey yea, read this update.

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So I know what you guys are thinking... "God damn it! Stop with the updates and give me the fricken story!" More or less am i right?

But yea i put my updates here cuz you guys never read my message board so when someone finally reads my message board ill put updates there :P Skim if you like but please read a little... Things are tittle so you can skip that paragraph if you dont wanna read bout that thing.


On other notes... If you guys have been with me threw the beginning im sure youll remember my updating habits i.e.: One month *posts two chapters within two days* then *waits 3 months to even right the next chapter...* Sorry to all of you about that... But now ive been put on homeschool... Whoopdiedoo *rolls eyes*


So i have a lot more time on my hands... Ive started a fandom account on instagram @allourawesomefandoms <--- Go check it out!

Ive also been upcycling some of my cloths (I do sell custom clothing and jewlery, check out my facebook page www.facebook.com/tyllrsbraceletsandmore) and other random stuff OH did i mention my mom got in a car accident and she almost killed me by almost hitting a giant pole? Yea i hate poles even more now as if walking into one at disneyland when i was 9 wasnt enough :P

Ive been getting more active on youtube, Tyllr1 <-- if you like random videos check it out. Maybe ill do a Q & A sometime if you guys want comment bellow if that sounds like a good idea.


So yea ive been active on that stuff... Ive got 5 chapters of "Shadow" done if you guys wanted to know... I know Im known on wattpad for my Percy Jackson Fanfictions but Im getting kinda tired of just rewriting stories, i started doing it when i first got into writing because i had trouble coming up with things to write about... But now its like give me anything, and i can write about it. Like my old english teacher said "write a conversation between a cow and a hamburger." (Hes a strange, strange man...).

So Ill be putting up a chapter of "Shadow" pretty soon... I have no prologue for it because it just seemed like it shouldnt have a prolouge and thats why you guys only got the description... But you can ask me questions about it and if it doesnt give you huge spoliers ill answer, even if it does give you huge spoilers ill answer but ill answer vaguely in as much as i can give you w/o those nastey spoilers.


K so now this is what most of you want to hear.... I havent started writing the next chapter of Aqua Jackson yet... Honestly i cant even remember what the last chapter was about and by now im sure when i update, half of you are gonna be like "took you long enough, i forgot what the last chapter was about now i gotta reread it :P" am i right? Cuz i mean like i get people going "Update!" A day after i update im just like uhh i just update... Which im glad you like my story, its just i need time....

So like i said cant remember what the last chapter was about i think it was somethin with Amycus... But idk so i cant tell you what the next chapter is about... But im hoping to update (its 1 am Sunday) this week. I slept all day cuz i was feeling sick and i cant sleep so i think im gonna work on this next chapter of Aqua Jackson... I can hear you now "Woooohooo! Finally!" Lol. But idk when ill finish it... I might give you an update today, i might wrote two chapters and wait to give you guys this chapter till Saturday. With me you never know. But please read my message board cuz ill post there when i know when im gonna update, k?


And another thing... Fans, Follows, Readers whatever you guys wanna call yourselfs. Ive been getting AT LEAST one new follower a week, sometimes like 5 in one week so im very happy about that, but when i read the emails that say that im just like "k, i havent updated in like almost 5 months and ive got more people following me now then when i updated a lot." But im still happy cuz that means at least one of you guys goes up to someone you know like "Hey go check out this chic on Wattpad." So that warms my heart. Sappy i know.


Finally, To those of you that have read "The House Of Hades" Please do NOT comment with spoilers!!! I got the book the day it came out and im a procrastinator plus i hate reading (only books ive read the entire series of are the percy jackson series and the heroes of olympus series) So pleeeeease do not spoil it for me im on like chapter 3 or 4 so shhhhhh. Like i love you guys but no spoilers, the hunger games was ruined for me...


Oh one last thing, I get a lot of comments and never really reply to them... Dont feel bad if i dont reply, i want you guys to know that I see each and ever one of your comments from my email Theres just so many of you that its hard to remember to reply and what chapter youve commented on... If you really want me to reply comment on a couple chapters... Dont go all loony on me and comment on like every chapter of both Aqua Jackson books some people do that and thats okay, i might reply and i love it when you guys do that its just like i see comments from my email and there like
• New email, Wattpad
• New email, Wattpad
• New email, Wattpad
• New email, Wattpad
Etc. but yea if i dont reply to you within a week comment again, ill try to get back to you.


If you wanna be informed on whats goin on in my normal life my username for just about everything is "TyTyEngelman" except for my youtube and skype (made before i had the nickname tyty) other than YT and skype if you search my username there and you dont find me then i probably dont have what your searching me on, also some things, like myspace... I have but i dont use. Most things like my instagram are avaliable for everyone to see except twitter and facebook.

I do have Kik and Snapchat but i deleted the apps, if you guys wanna chat on kik comment or inbox me here if i get a lotta ppl that want to kik me ill put the app back on my ipod... Snapchat, i dont like pics so sorry no one is gonna talk me into snapchat...

Twitter, you can request to follow, i just keep it on private because my mom like to go on other ppls account (ppl that idk (her friends)) and be like whatcha posting... (I blocked my mother) so ya thats why thats on private, request to follow me, ill accept. :)

FACEBOOK, i am on facebook 24/7 unless im sleeping, you guys can friend request me but unless i know you personally sorry you will not be added as a friend and will not reply to messages on facebook... But you can go and like either "tyllrs bracelets and more" OR "tytyengelman" (both facebook pages) and message me there if you like but i will not friend ppl ive not met in person or am not related to sorry.


TSTCM is avalible for purchase on amazon you can message me on any site (that you can find me on) if youd like an autographed copy.

So yea this is my rammbling authors notes. Sorry its so long i swear its almost longer than the chapters i write.

Aqua Jackson, Daughter of PoseidonWhere stories live. Discover now